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A new Bible Study series will focus on God's spring Holy Days. Why are they important, how are we instructed to observe them, and what lessons can we learn?
[Darris McNeely] Well, Gary, last night (Wed., January 7, 2015) we just finished the Bible study series "Prophecy 101" with your presentation on false teachers, false prophets, and now we're decided that we're going to begin the next Beyond Today Bible study series entitled, "Let Us Keep the Feasts". And so, you know, we've got about five different topics that we will be doing on that. Gary, what do you think you'll be covering in your opportunity there?
[Gary Petty] Well, the Feasts we're going to be looking at are the spring Holy Days, which is the Passover, and the Days of Unleavened Bread, and those two –
[Darris McNeely] And Pentecost.
[Gary Petty] And Pentecost. So those spring Holy Days, especially Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, have a lot to do, of course, with Christ's sacrifice and sin. So the Bible study I'll be covering is, I'm going to take the subject of sin and break it down so that we can look at not just sort of – people have vague ideas what sin is, but the Bible's very – breaks it down very finely. I mean, sin is a big subject. So we're going to look at sin, we're going to look at different definitions of sin according to the Bible, especially in the New Testament, and really explore what it is – what sin is, and why God has to save us from it.
[Steve Myers] I think one of the interesting things about this series that I think people will enjoy is the fact that we're going to dig into why we do these things. And you talk about doctrine and what the Bible really teaches – well, why do we do what we do? You know, oftentimes we talk about things that – well, we don't keep Christmas, we don't do Easter, and people oftentimes recognize, hey, that's not in the Bible. Well, what should we be doing? So we're going to talk about God's Festivals and why they're important and how we're instructed to do these things. And I think it would really be a benefit for those that tune in to the Bible studies.
[Darris McNeely] And I think that should generate a lot interest with people and again, just help to be something reaffirming. You know, I was really taken in by not only the program you did on Hollywood and the Bible, but doing some reviews about the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings, and seeing that and what that generated in terms of interest here recently. So I kind of pulled out all my notes and books on Egypt, so I'd like to do one or two Bible studies during this particular session on Egypt and what the Biblical lessons there are for us to learn, looking at the exodus story, looking at the historical account of ancient Egypt and even some of the real characters that were there that have come to life from the Bible – Moses and Pharaoh, Pharaoh's daughter – and what we can gain from Egyptian history, what we can know about the real time and bring that out in a Bible study that I think will help people, again, be reaffirmed in their faith and their confidence of God's word, but also have some very practical lessons for us today. So "Let Us Keep the Feasts" – upcoming Beyond Today Bible studies that will begin here in a few weeks and run us really up toward the time of the Feast of Pentecost later this year. You'll want to see those. I think they will be very helpful for you.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.