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MP4 Video - 720p (170.83 MB)
MP3 Audio (686.27 KB)

The royal baby is heir to the throne. You have a brighter future.



[Steve Myers] The royal baby has been born. And I was following this story just a little bit and one of the things that caught my attention was the comment that was made about this little baby. Of course that's Prince William and Kate Middleton's son was born. He's heir to the throne. He's HRH, His Royal Highness Prince of Cambridge. And he has an amazing future in store as being heir to the throne of England. In fact, he's going to be trained to be king.

And one of the things that caught my attention was the fact an article said, "What will his destiny be?" And as I thought about that I thought about something remarkable that oftentimes we overlook. I mean this little baby probably has an amazing future in store as ruler of not only England, but 15 other commonwealth countries including Australia, Canada, New Zealand among the others.

And yet, do you know you have even a brighter future, a better destiny ahead? And you can begin to see that as not being heir to some physical throne, but Revelation 5:10 describes the amazing future that God's people have in store for them. Here's what it says, "That God has made us kings and priests to our God, and we shall reign on earth." So you talk about being an heir not to just some physical throne like the King of England, but here God Himself makes us kings and priests, or the NIV says, "You've made them to become a kingdom of priests to serve our God."

And so not just reigning in some physical country. We have the opportunity to reign and rule and be heir with Jesus Christ. In fact, Romans 8:17, I'll write this one down too because this is a powerful scripture as well. Romans 8:17, it tells us that we are children and we are heirs of God, and it even says joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Now we know Christ is inheriting all things. And so if we're joint heirs with Christ what does that say about the opportunities, the responsibilities that we'll have in the Kingdom of God?

Wow, that is an amazing future to look forward to. So we can certainly thank God that we're heirs of the Father.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.