Treasure Digest
So Your Pastor Is Transferring Don't Switch That Dial!
There are three things in life that we can be sure of: death, taxes and change. And all three we fear.
I hate change! I should sail through change; after all, I have had plenty of training while I was a child going from foster home to foster home. Ten homes to be exact and, oh yes, let's add two children's homes on top of that. All of this change in a 10-year period. But when change comes rolling into my life, I fight it, I get angry, I get depressed over it and I fear it!
Recently a very small change made me think about bigger changes.
Every morning on the way to work I tune into my favorite radio station. This radio station plays the songs I love, and I had grown used to hearing the same voice each morning with his warm and witty comments, occasional humor, sharing his life with his listeners and giving us inspirational things to get us going each morning.
I could count on hearing that same familiar voice every morning. I was so moved by this disc jockey's contribution to the station that I e-mailed him to let him know how inspiring he was.
Then one Monday a new voice announced that this disc jockey was no longer working at their station. I miss this guy and his gentle voice. It was a little like losing a family member. I tried to listen to the new guy, but it was so different. Even the music format was changed. I finally got frustrated and changed the dial.
One of the hardest changes for members in God's Church is to adjust when their pastor is asked to transfer. For some this might be a welcome change; for others this could be like losing a family member or a very close friend. Especially if you have worked very closely with him and counseled with him about problems. Maybe he baptized you or married your children. He was there for you when you were going through your toughest times. So the adjustment period with a new pastor can be difficult.
I have gone through transfers, and my friends will tell you, I don't sail though them with ease. But I have learned some things recently that have helped.
1. Be kind to yourself if you are having a hard time adjusting. It takes time! Give yourself some time to grieve and talk to God a lot about it. Ask God to encourage you.
2. Realize your new pastor is adjusting too. You only have to get to know him; he has to get to know a whole church. Getting outside of your own feelings and reaching out to help the new pastor and his family adjust will help you heal more quickly.
3. Support him! The new pastor will come in with fresh ideas and different ways of doing things. Support him. Support the programs that he starts up. Support them with an attitude that you want them to succeed. Lack of support can cause a pastor to become discouraged. Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how you would feel if people did not support your ideas, talked behind your back and complained. Support him and God will bless you.
4. Don't compare your new pastor with your former minister. We can learn and grow from being exposed to a variety of personalities. I once had a minister who was into the finer things of life, like silver, china and ladies' teas. So I went out and bought a silver tea set. When my next minister came in, wow! What a difference. He was a camper and would never think of a ladies' tea. So I packed up the silver tea set, placed it in a closet, went out and bought a tent. I am so grateful for the difference because it enriched my life in many ways.
5. Be willing to decrease. Many times ministers come in and make changes. This may affect what you have been doing for years. This is your greatest opportunity to shine by getting behind him and supporting the change. God will see your humble heart and will bless you in ways you did not imagine. Always remember the expression, "when one door closes, another one opens."
6. Pray. Pray for God's blessing on the new pastor and his family. Ask God to help him succeed.
7. Use this new opportunity to learn more and grow. Each pastor brings a new perspective and a new way of doing things.
Change can be a very positive experience for all of us and our new pastor if we make up our mind to do all we can to make it work. So don't switch that dial! Don't tune out! Give it time! Seize the opportunity that God has given you for greater growth and remember: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).