Teaching the Children

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Teaching the Children

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I started my job this week teaching in a child care center, and so far it’s has been an absolutely amazing experience. Each day brings new and difficult challenges, but I absolutely love what I am doing and all of the children I get work with.

Most of them are just average kids who are in this world, curious about life and wanting to have fun. But some of them have already seen a lot of pain, and it keeps their hearts from reaching out beyond what they have known. It’s sobering to see that all of them are searching for their purpose and to be loved, but right now this world isn’t all that their little hearts have hoped for.

My biggest challenge each day is teaching them how to love and respect one another without being able to teach them directly how to love God. Without God, they don’t see the purpose or its value. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. . . [and] you shall teach [His commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” And for eight hours a day, I am with those children in every single thing they do. I am not their parent, but I am responsible for teaching them about life and how to live life in our school setting. I speak out about what is right, and sometimes they and my co-workers are surprised, but I know God is with me, and they can see the difference God has made in me.

These children are a blessing from God, and I cannot wait to see the progress they make as we work together throughout this year. I am praying that God helps me guide and teach them under the limitations that have been set by the authorities. But most importantly, I am praying for that Day when “God Himself will be with them and be their God . . . [and] wipe away every tear from their eyes [because] there shall be no more pain, for the former things [will] have passed away” (Revelation 21:3-4).

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  • dziwczyna

    As a teacher, I look forward to seeing my students (present and former) in the Kingdom. It will be interesting to see them as whole, healed people instead of what many are in their present form.

  • Linda Merrick

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Those working at daycares are so responsible for the children in their classrooms. It is amazing what they will learn from you! So stay positive and cheerful, but stern when needed, no matter how stressful some days will be. Your students need that! :-)

  • vielgervise

    Hello Amanda,that's a good start for you. Thank you for sharing your story/experience... God is with you always :)

    keep the faith as you always have... :)
    ~ viel ~

  • Kosi

    I remember I grew up in my mom's guidance towards fearing God (Prov 1:7). I can image the frustration and hearty pain that she was going through when I showed no interest on what she was vehicling me to. She did that with love and she never gave up. She would pray and praise God alone in our family and wake up in the middle of the night to pray. She would not bother waking us up. I would see what she was doing and make no sense out of it or even sometimes mock (in my heart) what she was doing. God saw the consistent spirit she was inspiring into us (Hos 4:6). Her instructions were and are full of love, care, and life. I believe through the transformation that Jesus Christ will accomplish in my life will serve as blessing to my mother (Prov 10:1) for all she has done in us her children through the faith she has in Jesus Christ. My loving mother is a true blessing from God because she raised me towards the fear of God. So my dear sister in Christ I so believe that God sees your heart and He will take over till the end (Isaiah 55:10-11). Thank you for being so instrumental to the future. May God walk with you.

  • mlovethunder

    Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.NLT

    I have 1 child, a Lovely daughter, but her mother divorced me after I was Baptized in March of '07. My child's mother is different as she is from Sri Lanka,
    Somewhat like Abrams first child as my daughter's mother moved them both over a 1,000 miles from me. This seems to fit as story about what what happened to Ishmael and his mother.

    Nevertheless, I do hope & Pray daily that, like Abram, I will have more children that are NOT MIXED!

    Of course as it is fitting to His Good Will and pleasing in His sight, I may yet; The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.NLT

    WOW, Treasure AND Favor? With being in that First Resurrection too?

    Could it be at this Year's Feast in New Braunfels, it may be where God will bring us together for our first meeting?

    In ALL things as it pleases Him!

  • KARS

    I am glad you are enjoying your new job. It is a blessing to work with children. They come in many different characters and yet there are similarites. Thanks you for sharing your experiences. Have a blest week.

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