United Church of God

United News: January 2016

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In This Issue

by Stella Helterbrand
by Aaron Dean
  • by Scott Ashley
Life is about choices. Perhaps none is so great as who we will ultimately serve—God or ourselves. God’s Word tells us that as time grows harder and as the days grow darker, the consequences of our choices will grow ever more serious.
by Frank Dunkle
by Linda Dwornik
by Jorge de Campos
  • by Rick Shabi
If you have drifted, slipped back into old patterns, or find yourself feeling “distant” from God and His people, you have a choice to make. God, who wants to give us eternal life, implores us to return to Him and the life He called us to.
  • by Ed Dowd
Our children have the potential of being a kingdom of priests to our Great God. Together let’s teach our children, encourage them through our words, and show them by our example that God’s way is a blessing and it really does work!
  • by Kelly Irvin
Wolf attacks on humans probably aren't something to fear. So what then does the Bible mean by looking out for wolves in sheeps' clothing?
by Linda Dwornik, Aaron Booth