by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
What will the ties between Cuba and Russia mean for the nuclear state of Venezuela?
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Terrorists struck deep in the heart of Russia at Moscow's busiest Domodedovo Airport on Jan. 24, 2011.
by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
American network television anchorman Dan Rather soberly reminded newspaper readers recently that "the world remains a tough, dangerous neighborhood" and that big trouble may be brewing for the West in China and Russia.
by Victor Kubik
We should give attention to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine—what’s behind it, where it may lead and the terrible human toll being paid. Here is some needed perspective from one with personal ties to the region.
by Good News
Russia has devalued the rubble at a time of apocalyptic predictions about the state of the Russian economy. Some observers are warning that the Russian financial crisis "could spin out of control as banks collapse."
by Victor Kubik
Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
by Rodney Hall
What role will the resurgent Russia play in end-time events?
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
A feature article in the Financial Times quoted Georgian diplomat and foreign policy analyst Alexander Rondeli as joking "that while Russians may not be good at 'soft power'—the art of attraction—'they know how to do soft blackmail'" (Neil...
by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes
Russian-Chinese relations have blown hot and cold since the end of World War II.
by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
While the world was distracted by the Olympic games in Beijing, Russia suddenly invaded Georgia, a staunch Western ally and possible future NATO member. What's behind Russia's muscle-flexing?
by Good News
Lest anyone think the potential nuclear nightmare is over, "Russia is a great power that possesses a nuclear arsenal," stated Russian President Boris Yeltsin in response to U.S. criticism to Russia's handling of the current conflict in...
by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
Not many years ago it would have been unthinkable, but now it's happened: Russia has become a NATO partner.
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Russia's continual efforts to build alliances and military power and strength indicate they desire to be more powerful.
by Natallia I Teague
I grew up in the Soviet Union and experienced it firsthand. The system was founded on the dream of a worker’s paradise where all would share and every need would be met. So why did it fail?
by Rudy Rangel III, Tom Robinson
Since the Russian takeover of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, economic sanctions have been imposed on Russia as a punitive reprimand by the Western powers of the world. Immediately, in a seemingly juvenile reaction, Russia responded with...
by Scott Ashley, John Ross Schroeder
Without question Russia's recent moves have made the world a more dangerous place. Could this threat transform Europe from mostly a powerful trading block to the world's dominant military power predicted by Bible prophecy?
Russia and Bible Prophecy
by Victor Kubik
Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?