"I Am Truth"

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"I Am Truth"

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Do you consider yourself an embodiment of truth and honesty? Are you upfront with absolutely everything and everyone in your life, no matter how difficult? Would you be able to stand up right now and shout that from the rooftops?

These are tough questions! Not only do we contend with our human nature, but we are immersed in a lukewarm, postmodern society that places increasingly less importance on the ideal of truth, emphasizing instead that there are no absolutes.

Have you noticed the increasing number of movies that show lying to be okay, even beneficial for the hero's or heroine's journey, excluding any hint of potential consequences? How many TV characters also avoid saying the complete truth—which is a lie through omission? You may be as surprised as I am at how often this subtle reinforcement of dishonesty is interwoven throughout our media.

This subject has been on my mind while working as a high school teacher. I have been frustrated by the number of lies I am told by a majority of students to whom lying is almost second nature. "I forgot my book at home, but I did the assignment." I would do anything for some truthful students!

But what is truth exactly? Is it just something that is imprinted on your conscience? Is it subjective? The fact of the matter is that without a universally agreed system for what is classified as truth, we could debate these questions forever. Does such a system even exist?

Amazingly, God's commandments have inspired and helped form our modern democratic legal system. King David realized the perfection of these laws when he declared, "All Your commandments are truth" (Psalm 119:151).

You want to know what truth is? True truth is God's commandments. You want to live a truthful life? Follow God's commandments—full stop.

Could it really be that "simple"?

Over the past few years, I have increasingly realized that God's thoughts and logic are not vague nor do they change with different situations. In fact, His way is as clear-cut as you can get!

Let's look at some examples where we may struggle with being fully truthful.

• School, university and work. If something goes wrong and it's your fault, will you stand up and speak the truth? Are you honest with your peers about your values, or do you adapt to fit in with them?

• Dating. Are you truthful about your intentions? Are you 100 percent honest about your past? Are you always open about your present issues and future directions? Since we "flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18), are you faithful to that standard?

• With yourself. Do you take the time to analyze your behaviors and take full responsibility for your actions and life? God knows everything, but do you endeavor to be completely truthful with Him in your prayer life?

The above questions can be extremely difficult to ask ourselves—and even more challenging to face and change. But remember, the benefits of completely following God's way are not only long-term but can be positive for us right now! Just think of how many misunderstandings, damaged reputations, bruised hearts and painful discussions could be avoided if we were always truthful.

Let's take a stand now and focus on having truth and honesty as the very core of our character. Read the article "Keys to Improving Our Communications." Let's seek to continually eliminate all deceit from our lives and follow Christ's example when He said, "I am…the truth" (John 14:6). VT

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