Dive Deeper: July-August 2024

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Dive Deeper

July-August 2024

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Cover Article: The Global Impact of the U.S. Election

Many see America sinking fast and wonder if it’s too far gone. To help you better understand what’s happening, watch our video presentation “Is It Too Late for America?” And be sure to also request or download our free study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.

Back page ad: Are We Living in the Time of the End?

The unrelenting onslaught of horrors poses a very real question: Is the whole world coming apart? Are we living in the end time? Find the answers in our 
FREE Bible study aid, Are We Living in the Time of the End?

Letter response (page 5) to letter about the article "Why You Don't Have an Immortal Soul"

The truth of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is taught in much greater detail in our booklet The Truth About the Rich Man and Lazarus.

And the question about Revelation 9:16 and the martyrs, here is an explanation: "Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul?"

Lawlessness Will Abound

Do today’s worsening times and other world events and trends we’ve been seeing indicate that we are living in the last days, the period of crisis leading up to the return of Jesus Christ? Be sure to read our free study guide Are We Living in the Time of the End?

Persecuted for Righteousness

The world is moving ever farther from the teachings of Jesus Christ—including most who claim to follow Him. Where is the Church Jesus founded? The rewards of being part of it far outweigh any opposition or hardships to be faced. Be sure to request or download our free study guide The Church Jesus Built.

The Last Best Hope of Earth

To learn more about the Bible’s promises about the coming Kingdom of God and how it will set the world right, be sure to request our free study guides The Gospel of the Kingdom and Christ’s Reign on Earth: What It Will Be Like.

How to Confront and Defeat Fear and Anxiety

Critical to resisting fear and anxiety is firm trust in and reliance on God. For a better grasp of this vital matter, request or download our free study guide You Can Have Living Faith.

Scientific Discoveries Back Up Biblical Perspective

To learn more of what the evidence has to say, request or download our free study guides Life’s Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? 


For more examples of living fossils and other impediments to evolutionary theory, be sure to request or download our free study guide Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?


The Bible is a reliable witness to the past—and to the truth of God, being His inspired Word. To learn more reasons to accept that, request or download our free study guide Is the Bible True?


Follow Me . . . Becoming Clothed With Humility

It takes more than human determination to stay on the exemplary path of humility set by Jesus Christ. We need God’s ongoing help and intervention in our lives. To better see what is needed and how to persevere, download or request our free study guide Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.

Q&A: Can a person be a Christian and still suffer depression?


A number of helpful study guides relating to stress, worry and depression can be found on our website at freebiblestudyguides.org. Also read our free study guide You Can Have Living Faith and two online articles “Depression: Ways to Win the Battle” and “The Bible’s Keys to Mental Health.”