2024 Feast of Tabernacles Webcast Information

The following Feast sites will be providing a LIVE webcast of services: Panama City Beach, Florida (Central Time) and Klamath Fall, Oregon (Pacific Time). Click on the links below and view the webcast schedule for Panama City Beach and Klamath Falls. The live webcasts of the Feast services will start Wednesday evening October 16, 2024 and end on Thursday, October 24, 2024.
On the weekly Sabbath of October 19 there will be a live webcast of services at 2 PM Central from Panama City Beach, Florida. United Church of God president, Rick Shabi will be giving the sermon. The entire service, including hymns and special music will be streamed.
Phone Calls to Connect to Live Feast Services
Some members who can’t attend the Feast don’t have Internet access. Both Panama City Beach and Klamath Falls will have a phone number to call to listen to services. We won’t list those phone numbers publicly, but for information send an email to Festival@ucg.org.