Dive Deeper
May-June 2024

Cover Article: Can You Change the World?
To learn more about the wonderful Kingdom of God, which Jesus will bring to the world at His return—and how you can experience the reality of the Kingdom in your life today—be sure to download or request your free copy of our study guides The Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.
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Unlock the Bible's insight on conversion! It's not a one-time event, but a transformative journey. From God's call to repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, culminating with Christ's return and receiving the gift of eternal life. Discover the ultimate transformation from mortal to immortal life! Read Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion now!
Human Nature: What You Need to Know!
Would you like to change from the person you’ve been to the new person God wants you to be? You can—in submitting to Him and receiving His help. To learn more, request or download our free study guide Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.
What's Behind the Border Disaster?
What is happening to the United States and other English-speaking nations? Is there really a connection to the blessings and curses laid out in the Bible? Be sure to request or download our free study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. And to learn more about the ultimate solution coming for the whole world, also get a free copy of The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Three Keys to Knowing God
To better understand the true nature of God the Father and Jesus Christ and the relationship between Them—and the relationship They want to have with us—request or download our free study guide Is God a Trinity?
Do You Really Have the Holy Spirit?
To better understand the nature of God and what the Holy Spirit is amid a confused world, request or download our free study guide Is God a Trinity? And to help you on the road of repentance, baptism and living by God’s Spirit, read our free study guide What You Need to Know About Baptism.
Did the New Covenant Cancel God's Commandments?
Many claim that the laws God gave are set aside in the New Covenant relationship initiated through Jesus Christ. There is much to say in response beyond what’s addressed in this brief article. To learn much more about this important subject, we encourage you to download or request our free book The New Covenant: Does It Abolish God’s Law?
Moving Beyond Our Human Strategies
Learning to follow God the Father and Jesus Christ means putting our lives into Their loving care, trusting Them completely—learning to walk by faith and not by sight. To learn more, be sure to request or download our free study guide You Can Have Living Faith.