Dive Deeper
November-December 2024

Reaching for a Strong Hand From Someplace
For more on the promises of God’s coming deliverance of the world through Jesus Christ, be sure to download or request our study guide The Gospel of the Kingdom. And to help see that it is fast approaching, also download or request our study guide Are We Living in the Time of the End?
Are you Looking for Direction in all the Wrong Places?
Is the Bible really the Word of God? Are we supposed to accept that blindly, or are there proofs of the inspiration of Scripture? To help you gain needed perspective, be sure to download or request our free study guide Is the Bible True?
Censorship, Intimidation & Rising Tyranny
To better understand what prophecy says about the rise of the totalitarian empire of the last days soon ahead of us, be sure to request or download our study guide The Final Superpower. A free copy is waiting for you.
Current Events & Trends:
The global totalitarian agenda advances
We are indeed creeping toward the biblically prophesied totalitarian Beast power of the last days. Be sure to request or download our free study guide The Final Superpower.
Israel’s long year of fighting
Why is this region the focus of so much news of war and chaos? The Bible said that Jerusalem would be a very heavy stone, with all nations gathered against it (Zechariah 12:1-3). To learn more about the background and where events are heading, request or download our free study guide The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.
Young people flourishing through Bible reading
To help in grasping what it has to say, request or download our free study guide How to Understand the Bible.
The Kind of Leaders the World Needs
Jesus Christ is the preeminent example of servant leadership. But just who was Jesus? What did He come to do and teach? And what did He—does He—ultimately want for you? To better understand, request or download our free study guide Jesus Christ: The Real Story.
“If You Love Me . . .”
To better understand the truth about what God requires of us and the forgiveness He offers us through Christ, be sure to request or download your free copy of our helpful study guide What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
Would Jesus Observe Christmas?
For a fuller perspective on observing Christmas and other holidays of pagan origin and neglecting the observances God commanded in His law, request or download our informative study guide Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe? It’s available free of charge.
Archaeology Continues to Corroborate the Bible
Again and again, we see that the finds of archaeology fit with and support what the Bible records. Much more compelling evidence is available. And there are yet many other reasons to accept the validity of Scripture. For help in exploring this, be sure to download or request our free study guide Is the Bible True?
Follow Me. . . “Teach Us to Number Our Days”
To make the most of the time you’ve been given, don’t neglect seeking God and hearing and heeding His instructions. To help direct you in these vital pursuits, be sure to request or download our free study guide Tools for Spiritual Growth.
Compass Check: Dating Doesn’t Have to Break Your Heart
Just what is God’s purpose in drawing men and women together when they’re mature? For an overall perspective, we encourage you to request or download our informative study guide Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension, available free of charge.
Q&A: Does God pick national leaders?
To help see where events are headed, request or download our study guides The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy and The Final Superpower. Both are available free.