Letters From Our Readers
May/June 2023

Responses to “The Biblical Identity of Britain’s Royal Family”
I have read your magazines for years. Although I take exception with some of your positions, I have more often been enlightened. For that I thank you. I read the January-February edition with skepticism. I have as much respect for Britain’s “royal” family as I do Catholicism. Both are nothing more than pomp and circumstance. No dissection and explanation will ever change that.
Subscriber in North Carolina
I would like to thank you for the very informative magazines that you print. Your latest on “The Biblical Identity of Britain’s Royal Family” I certainly enjoyed reading and learned from it. So much so, that I sent your link to a friend of mine, and was shocked by her reply. She sent me links arguing that the royal family were reptilians. I was at a loss for words. I would also like to say thank you for your study guides. I have the majority of them which I have read and re-read. They have helped me understand God’s Word so much better. In fact you have opened my eyes to so much.
Subscriber in Western Australia
Descent from King David has not ensured righteous heritage. Recall that most of Judah's kings were evil. We await the true righteous king Jesus Christ. It is further true that demons rule behind the governments of this world, but the reptilian conspiracy theory is utter nonsense.
Response to “Britain’s Coronation Symbols: The Astounding Story”
I seek clarifications concerning the parallels between the coronations of kings of Israel and the U.K. Coronations of kings of Israel were performed by high priests appointed to the office by virtue of being Aaronic lineage. The coronations of kings/queens of England are performed by the archbishop of the Church of England. So does this church, which doesn’t teach observance of the Sabbath (and other Holy Days), represent God’s Church? Is the spiritual head of this church appointed by God?
From the Internet
Thank you for your question. The focus of our article was on the biblical symbolism and ancient precedence of the modern coronation of kings and queens. And, as noted in the issue, previous members of the royal family believed they were indeed descended from and could trace their lineage back to King David.
However, in answer to your question, the Anglican Church does not represent the Church Jesus Christ founded. Its teachings are too divergent from Scripture, including, as you mentioned, Sabbath observance and many other doctrines. To learn more, interested readers can download or request the study guide The Church Jesus Built.
Response to “The ‘Respect for Marriage Act’: Is it Truly Respectful?”
I have a daughter who didn’t come out as gay until she was in her early 20s. Before that, she dated boys, and even became pregnant at 16. She tells me that she’s always felt this way, but I have a hard time believing that. She is now married to another woman [who has undergone operations to change her gender]. She knows my feelings on that, and it caused division between me and my daughter. She’s already been shunned by the rest of our family, and I was the only one who still treated her with love.
All I can do is love and pray for her and her spouse. I still let her know that my feelings on what the Bible teaches have not changed. I believe in everything the Bible teaches. And if it came down to my religious belief and choosing her, then I would have to go along with my faith because I will not deny my God or His Son who died for our sin. So I love, and I pray, and I don’t judge—she knows how I feel, and I don’t push her. I just pray that at some point she will open her heart to truth.
Blessings to John LaBissoniere who wrote the article, and I totally agree with everything he pointed out. Great job on what’s become a difficult subject to comment on without being labeled a bigot.
Reader in Michigan
Viewer wants to donate
Enclosed herewith is a donation for the church. As the good Lord has blessed us and guides us daily, we would like very much to donate regularly each month. Each week, I have watched your program on TV. Please will you kindly send me the booklet How to Understand the Bible?
Viewers in Australia
Thank you for your support. We offer everything we do free of charge to whomever asks, and donations like yours help sustain that work.
Are We Living in the Time of the End?
I’m writing to thank you for the booklet Are We Living in the Time of the End? I have read a lot of booklets from a couple of different sources, but I want to let you know that this is one of the best I have read, other than my Bible. You have really done a super job on it. It really makes the point and is very clear and well-researched. I know I will read it again and pass it on. May our Creator bless you for helping us to understand His Word.
Reader in Canada
Cancellation request
Please don’t send any more literature from your church. I am a believer in the Trinity as written in the Word of God. I rebuke your teachings, as they are not of God but Satan.
From the Internet
Interested readers may wish to download or request our free study guide Is God a Trinity? to compare what the Bible says with this common teaching.