9/11 in Germany

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9/11 in Germany

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Der Spiegel the German newsweekly had all day coverage on their web site of the events of that tragic day. Arriving home late at night we turned on the television and watched coverage on local German television that included a reenactment of people escaping the World Trade Center towers that fateful morning.

Reliving the scenes of people running down the streets of New York brought out the same reaction we had five years ago, we just sat a watched in stunned horror at what was happening. It was like a surreal movie that you hoped would end with the lights coming on and everyone walking out and getting on with a normal life.

But it is clear that life has not been normal since then and we do not see the end of this war on terror yet. No one knows what the future will bring but let's pray  we use the time wisely in our work and personal lives.

Yesterday I spent time in Trier, Europe