America's Culture Cascades Downward - Learn to Swim Upstream

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America's Culture Cascades Downward - Learn to Swim Upstream

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Culture is a fascinating topic. I recently enjoyed reading, Of Thee I Zing—America's Cultural Decline. Author Laura Ingraham departed from politics to write a comedic commentary on culture.

The word "culture" has several definitions. This article is about two of them:
1. The totality of the beliefs, behaviors, traditions and products of any society.
2. High personal standards of morals, manners, enlightenment and aesthetics.
Hence we can correctly say: America's culture is becoming… uh, er… uncultured!

Another penetrating commentary on the decline of Western culture is the 1996 book by Judge Robert Bork, Slouching Toward Gomorrah. He asserts that the foundation of any culture is its morality and America's morality is spiraling downward. The emphasis on unrestrained individualism is leading to unabashed hedonism.

The person who has had the greatest positive impact on the Western world's culture is Jesus Christ. The book that has had the greatest positive impact is the Bible. Tragically, the world is drifting away from those influences.

Historically, the U.S. has had a "Judeo-Christian culture" but that is seldom mentioned any more. Most of America's founding fathers had a great respect for the Bible and the Ten Commandments, but that respect is becoming rare.

Most people are neither alert to notice degenerating trends nor determined to resist those trends.

What they are accustomed to seems acceptable and "normal," but what is " normal" keeps changing—in a downward direction. We tend to be like the proverbial frog in the pot of water being heated to a boil. We need to notice the gradual changes in our environment and take action before we are corrupted by it.

Evidence everywhere of cultural decline

Culture encompasses everything. Cultural decay is seen in countless alarming issues: crime, violence, disrespect for law and authority, dishonesty, breakdown of the family, divorces, children with no fathers, abortions, ever-growing government encroaching on our freedoms, dirty politics, dumbed down education, anti-Christian bias, environmental extremism, abuse (physical, mental, verbal and sexual), alcohol and drug abuse, addictions, tyranny of political correctness over biblical correctness, racial tensions, lack of a work ethic, lack of respect and courtesy and good manners, a crass and trashy pop culture, obscenities and vulgarities, materialism, decline of mature face-to-face communication, and general absence of noble values.

We live in a hyper-sexualized society, riddled with immorality, shameless immodesty, adultery, pornography, prostitution, promotion of the gay lifestyle agenda, radical feminism, sex and violence and profanity in media, confusion over gender identity, and all kinds of indecencies.

You can probably think of many other trends.

Cultural decay was prophesied

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the apostle Paul gave us this prophecy: "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power." This already largely describes our society!

In verse 5, Paul adds, "And from such people turn away!" Other scriptures help us to understand what Paul meant here. We must not "run with them" or be "yoked together with" them because "evil company corrupts good habits" (1 Peter 4:4; 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 15:33). At the same time, we are to love them, be kind to them, and look for opportunities to steer them in the right direction. Philippians 2:15 sums it up well: "Become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."

In Romans 1, Paul describes what happens to a culture when the people glorify the pagan theory of evolution rather than the Creator God—when they "worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator" (verse 25). The remainder of the chapter describes the consequences—the vices, evils and perversions that are increasingly prevalent today.

Paul's prescription is this: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2).

The word "counterculture" usually refers to a rebellious subculture. But it can have a positive meaning. Each of us can choose to be part of God's counterculture—the people who are trying to "live… by every word of God (Luke 4:4).

As society increasingly becomes like a polluted filthy river, it's no time to float. We must swim hard to swim upstream.

Coming: A wonderful cultural revolution!

Jesus Christ promised that He would "come again" to earth and set up His everlasting Kingdom. (John 14:3; Matthew 6:10). When Christ is ruling the whole world, all people will live in peace and joy. The best single word to describe the world's culture will be " righteousness" (Isaiah 11:4-5; Isaiah 61:11; Isaiah 62:1-2).

Imagine what the world will be like! The many regional cultures of the world will be united under the overall culture of God's Word and God's laws.

The world desperately needs that cultural revolution. It's coming soon! To learn more about this coming world-changing Kingdom, read our free booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom.


  • Mike Irish

    The rich and varied history of humanity and its response to the several religious and cultural combinations we see in force now, in the past and projections for our future are at times both fascinating and terrifying. As long as those cultural groups will allow their neighbors to practice the tenets of their culture without interference we can succeed as a "planet society" which has become a sanctuary within our section of God's Creation.

    Yes, there are different thoughts [some dangerously different] ... and they usually can be summed up as "we're right all others are wrong ... and therefore they will perish while we flourish". That combination hasn't changed since tribal societies were formed thousands of years ago.

    Frankly, I rejoice in my relationship with God and I believe that God has placed these "strangers" in my life so as to improve my education and compassion. I spent way too many years as a judgmental fool, so eager to condemn others because they didn't conform to my ideas and personal standards.

    Now that I'm a senior citizen I find it absolutely fascinating to look at the other civilizations living as my neighbor. We all have one common denominator ... we are children of God. Yes, many of them have a relationship with their God that pleases them ... just as I maintain my relationship with God specifically and very exactly as necessary to give me hope and faith. As long as no one tells me that I am wrong in my belief in God, I will provide the same for them. The relationship one has with God is the single most personal relationship in life. Taking on the role of a "personal judge over all of mankind used to seem to be "the way to go" ... and now I'm still struggling with the nuances between judgmentalism and respect for the individual.

    Of one thing I am certain ... I am grateful to have lived a life centered on loving God and Jesus Christ in response for their love of me. That relationship has kept me on a life's course which I have never been, nor expect to be, ashamed of my behavior. Sure, I've made enough mistakes to fill Grand Canyon. And God was there and I rejoice in His continued forgiveness. I pray that each of you can say the same about your relationship with God.

  • Cecily Maples

    Thank you for this article. I find it hard to believe what passes for entertainment on TV these days. Even catching it in passing is revolting. To read this article is a breath of fresh air. It is encouraging to realize that there are others who are also upset by it.

  • aehooser

    So true!

  • aehooser

    So true!

  • christiansoldier

    Great article! There is a relentless attack on what is good,moral and decent going on in the world today.Society is truly like Sodom and Gomorrah.There is no shame!I am grateful for this church that is making a stand for the 10 commandments and the law of God.The truth will resonate with those whom God is calling into the body of Christ.Keep up the good work.

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