Anti-Semitism in France
The words of a Muslim protestor in Toronto send a wake up call to the west. But who is seriously listening? Mark Steyn has a column today that points to two recent murders of Jews by Muslims in France. Here is a key quote:
Steyn asks the question, "in five years how many Jews will be living in France"? That is the right question. Last November I was in Jerusalem and was visiting the landmark Jerusalem YMCA. Directly behind the YMCA you could see high rise condo going up. The director of the YMCA told me that most of the units had already been purchased. Most of the buyers were wealthy Jews from France. They are planning their place of escape when life in France becomes intolerable.
The Steyn column is a must read. Then check out this past article from World News and Prophecy, "The Rising Sector of Anti-Semitism."