Beyond Politics

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Beyond Politics

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The stakes are high not only for America but for all of humanity. Unfortunately, today's partisan feelings seemingly run even higher as American society basically splits right down the middle as to the future direction this oldest of all modern day republics should take.

Was there ever a time of national consensus on who should lead the nation, a time when almost all the people were united behind one man to lead them?

Yes there was! But we have to go back over 200 years. It was then that such a man existed.

His historical shadow still casts a giant silhouette from coast to coast across this republic. It is his name that dots the capital of his country. It is his monument that will forever tower above all others in a city designed to showcase monuments. His name alone, of all American presidents, was claimed by one of the 50 states.

What induced revolutionary Americans to even consider having a Chief Executive immediately after they had overthrown the rule of a monarch?

Amazingly, it was this one individual's character, not his party affiliation, that sculpted the job description of an executive office that had never been dreamed of before. The office did not shape him. His lifetime values helped shape the job description of what has become the most important job in the world.

The man's name was George Washington.

Perhaps Leroy Brownlow sums it up best in his journal titled Today is Mine in his entry of February 22nd "Worthy to Rule." Brownlow writes, "When a man treasures the rights of men—as Washington did; and prefers principle to profit—as Washington preferred; and believes that man was not designed by the All–wise Creator to live for himself alone—as Washington believed; and is courageous enough to stand up to opposition—as Washington stood; and towers above trickery and partisanship—as Washington towered; and refused to be a king—as Washington refused; and trusts in the All-wise Disposer of events—as Washington trusted; and sees heroics in ragged men with a cause—as Washington saw—that man is truly worthy of rulership and a place in the hearts of his countrymen."

Because of this and more, Washington was elected the first executive officer of the grandest political experiment yet to occur in the course of human history. But even so, when all is said and done, Washington was only a man. Like all men he had his faults and weaknesses, and like all men his time has come and gone.

Yet, how we could use such a man today, a man with his humanity, to lead us wisely and courageously in addressing the vexing problems of this troubled global village called earth.

However, there is good news! News beyond politics! News beyond the exploits of a human hero!

Notice what the Bible tells us about the coming of Jesus Christ as the King of kings.

"There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. His delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears; but with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth ... Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, and faithfulness the belt of His waist" (Isaiah 11:1-5).

This is beyond man. This is beyond politics.

But it is not beyond your ability to learn more, appreciate more and become a part of the greatest campaign in human history—spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom.

We all long for a sure hope that won't evaporate before our eyes, and the promise that Jesus Christ will return to become our supreme Leader is something we can rely on beyond the politics of "this present evil age" (Galatians 1:4).