Beyond Today
Moving Beyond Tragedy

Our Beyond Today film crew is on the road today to Sugar Creek, Ohio. We have come to interview John and Susan Miller for an upcoming program called, "Moving Beyond Tragedy."
John and Susan lost their one year old son, Jonathan, in an accident 26 years ago. We visited the location where it happened and the cemetery where Jonathan is buried. The Millers are very open about the experience and willing to share their story with others in hope it will help anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. They tell a moving and compelling story of how their family worked through the suffering and moved on with life.
Sugar Creek is set in the northeast Ohio farmland of Holmes County. This is Amish country. Horsedrawn buggies moved by as we filmed. It is a lush and verdant setting to tell a story of a life cut short and a family that does not have a day go by without thinking what might have been.
We came here with the thought of a program on suffering and why God allows bad things to happen to innocent and good people. But as John and Susan tell the story it it obvious they did not blame God nor did they blame each other for Jonathan's death. Their thoughts centered on the resurrection. As John tells it the truth of the resurrection became more than a doctrine and a piece of dry theology. The hope that God will raise the dead in a future resurrection has been an anchor of solace for the them through the long years. Christ said the truth will set one free. For the Millers, the anchoring truth of the resurrection set them free from guilt, fear and pain.
We'll finish taping tomorrow and return home. I am glad we came here to film and pray the story will help those who watch the program when it airs.