Delivering a Critical Message

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Delivering a Critical Message

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As I write, I’m on the road in Texas with the Beyond Today video team, which is delivering a three-day series of presentations titled America: The Time is Now! These presentations, being put on in Dallas, San Antonio and Houston, deliver an urgent message about some of the most important things that can be told to and about the human race.

Our message over these three days links together what’s happening in this ugly world with where you fit in, and what you should be doing in order to survive and be saved! What could be a better message?

The messages being delivered are encouraging, sobering, inspiring, calming and satisfying—all at the same time!

So I have to wonder: Why don't more people want to hear this vital information? In an uncertain world filled with uncertain times, why do so many tune out, pretend they don’t see it or scoff at it? Here are some possible reasons:

1. They may ask: “Who are you to claim to have answers to such monumental issues? Surely there are a lot of smarter people who would have told this to us. So who are you?”

2. They are resigned to the overwhelming nature of monumental and terminal problems facing mankind. Why bother? Can’t do anything about it anyway.

3. There are so many other voices saying similar or conflicting things. They can’t all be right.

4. Denial. When things get really bad people often deny reality as a form of self-preservation.

5. Blindness. Access is intentionally cut off.

Interestingly, these represent many of the same excuses people gave for not listening to the apostles of the New Testament and even Jesus Himself!

But here’s a thought for you: If you’ve read to this point you’re probably different. You’re not subscribing to the above excuses. You’re probably seeking vital truth.

So here’s an invitation: What we want to tell you is not something we’ve dreamed up or fabricated. It originates from a book that many people suffered and even died for to preserve. You probably own one more or copies of it. It’s commonly known as the Holy Bible. Consider some critical facts from it that directly affect you!

The Bible clearly shows God’s direct interest in the world. It shows God’s great plan for fixing it. The Bible serves as our faithful and powerful source of knowledge about how man got to the depth of troubles we face today and how God will deliver humanity—indeed, all of us—out of this!

In our campaign we begin with the words of the prophet Habakkuk, whose ancient words ring down to us today: “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5). Indeed God is aware of what’s happening on this planet. He has a timetable for mankind’s survival. He knows how our problems will be solved and how everything will be worked out.

In our presentations we also address your personal role. Did you know that the Bible says you have one? God values each one of us as individuals who have been created in His image. The Bible describes us as the “children of God” (Galatians 3:26, John 1:12). We are to become part of His divine family! He has a custom plan for you. Recognizing that you have the gift of free will, God personally desires for you to respond to Him.

Finally, in our presentations we tell you how to go about becoming part of God’s family. It all makes sense. It’s actually quite straightforward! For those who totally get it, it’s liberating and triumphant, and gives great joy that has to be experienced to really understand.

Those of us who proclaim this message don’t claim intellectual superiority. We just take the plain teaching of the Bible at face value. It’s been preserved for us. That’s where our wisdom comes from.

When you understand, you no longer have to use denial as a survival mechanism. Your survival is in the assured words that come from God’s timeless message. What God has spoken is our hope and that’s what we want to extend to you!

We all need to understand that there are opposing forces. We need to understand that there is a savage and cunning being, one who is described as a god and power of this world. This powerful force tries to deny access to God’s powerful truth. As the Bible solemnly records: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (Ephesians 4:4, New International Version).

As with physical blindness, a spiritually blind person cannot see and be aware of what is obviously before them. But you can see! A new spiritual sight helps to understand and respond to this message right now.

Want to know more? You can receive the same study aid that we’re distributing to those who attend our live presentations. I invite you to request What is Your Destiny? 

Cast off spiritual blindness and open your eyes! A wondrous world awaits!


  • jeannethorne

    Will these presentations be available on youtube or cd,s? I am so excited that all went well. Thank you for keeping us posted on all three nights!

  • Sabrina Peabody

    Hi Jeanne, I looked into this and unfortunately there won't be any available recordings. Guess we'll just have to go check them out when they come to our area! :)

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