Do We Recognize the Signs of Our Time?

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Do We Recognize the Signs of Our Time?

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We may place much greater confidence, however, in the accuracy of those projections about the future that Jesus Christ outlined in His Olivet Prophecy of Matthew 24. He spoke of the impact of corrupt religion, war, famine, pestilence and other specific indicators of what the world is certain to experience in the future (verses 3-8). The same signs or indicators that the end-time crisis is near are covered in the well-known "four horsemen" prophecy of Revelation, revealed under the first four of the seven seals (Revelation 6:1-8).

Terrifying "earthquakes in diverse places" (Matthew 24:7) are also prophesied to grab the attention of the whole world at that time. As I write the world is reeling from last month's earthquake and tsunami that occurred off the coast of Indonesia. Over 150,000 are known dead (some estimate the count could go as high as 1 million). Ironically this quake occurred one year to the day after another huge quake killed thousands in northern Iran.

The past decade has seen an astonishing rise in "super disasters" that take a devastating toll in life and property. Doubters scoff and dismiss the recent escalation of these natural disasters. They reason that, since such events have always occurred, we hear more about them only because modern communication does a better job of reporting them. But Jesus Christ predicted that such events would be only "the beginning of sorrows" (verse 8).

He also pinpointed the Middle East—Jerusalem especially—as the area in which calamities more traumatic than natural disasters will become common (verses 15-16). Present events in the Middle East are moving the world closer to a devastating military conflict that, according to the Scriptures, will be in progress when Christ returns (Luke 21:20, 22; Zechariah 14:2-3).

Radically militant Islamic groups, in plotting the destruction of the West, have made the little nation of Israel—Jerusalem in particular—the centerpiece of their animosity toward Western style democracies. These same militants are also threatening the stability of most other Western nations. The recent brutal stabbing of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist served as a wake-up call for Europe.

Militant extremists could have a revolutionary effect on the Europe of the future. A terrorist assault on Europe of the magnitude of America's September 11 attack could easily push the European Union into an uncharacteristic, reactionary mode of thinking.

Such possibility is very real. A resurrected Roman Empire is prophesied to dominate the world for a short time immediately before Christ returns. Bible prophecy reveals that this modern, European-based power—operating hand-in-glove with a powerful religious entity—will become a world-dominating political, economic, military and religious colossus.

As the "Babylon the Great" of Revelation 17, it will fight Christ at His second coming. Revelation's description of its nature tells us that major changes in the world as we know it today are certain to occur when this integrated colossus emerges in all of its power.

One of the missions of our publications—including The Good News and World News and Prophecyis to explain the meaning of today's news in the light of Bible prophecy. Each year brings us closer to the fulfillment of those end-time events prophesied to occur before Christ's return.

As we step back and review the events of a year or a decade, we can see the movement the world has made toward the fulfillment of these major prophecies. It is not pleasant to bring what some call "bad news" to the attention of our readers. But it is necessary. We are compelled to be true to the biblical mandate to watch and to warn.

We always attempt to frame our message in the true and living hope of the "restoration of all things" that Christ will ultimately bring. He has promised to shorten the days of trouble that are ahead in order to save mankind from total annihilation. We place our faith and hope in that promise.