Do You Ever Feel Like You Don't Belong?

We all feel like outsiders from time to time. Like we don’t fit in with whatever group we are in.
This happens even when we are with our families and friends or at church—places where surely, if not anywhere else, we should feel a sense of acceptance and security.
God never wants us to feel this sense of disconnection. It’s obvious who does. Satan is not talked about in general conversation much these days, which suits him just fine. He is oh so happy to fly under the radar, taking potshots at anyone and everyone, but especially those trying to follow God’s way of life.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age…,” (Ephesians 6:11-12).
Indeed, no matter the source, Satan is the actual one lobbing “fiery darts” of insecurity, doubt, fear and division at us (Ephesians 6:16).
How we think
Growing up, we’re trying to figure out our personalities and abilities and goals and preferences. We want somewhere to belong. But many times we feel alone and misunderstood.
It’s easy to let Satan’s subtle attacks isolate us from others. These negative and persistent thoughts and attitudes, if nurtured and dwelt on, can be a powerfully divisive force keeping us from the people we need the most and who need us the most.
Thoughts have incredible influence over us, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he,” (Proverbs 23:7). Satan will exploit them to achieve his own destructive ends. He wants us to curl up in a self-pitying heap feeling irritable and misunderstood.
Don’t be another casualty to his plans! We all have the incredible potential to serve God and other people and build up our family, friends and church.
What we can do
Perhaps you struggle with what you can do and feel you don’t have a lot to offer. But you do!
- Are you a good listener? Give someone the encouragement of your time and attention.
- Does working with technology come naturally to you? Volunteer to help with your local church website or serve on the sound crew.
- Do you love to search for fun new recipes? Bake a treat and surprise someone who is going through a rough time.
- Do you have a talent for art? Make cards to send to someone who is sick.
These things all require you to make a move—to gain momentum that will lead you to connect with others on a deeper level. It may take some time and persistence to find ways to help, but keep at it.
All along, God has designed families and His Church to function dynamically by the combination of all types of unique individuals intent on building something positive and lasting (1 Corinthians 12:12-18).
If you choose to follow God’s ways, I guarantee you will notice that, despite your awareness of your differences from others, you truly belong!