Does Your Team Have a Winning Buzz?

Do others hear a “winning buzz” when they walk into your church, your office, your family or circle of influence? It can make the difference between success or something less than success.
The Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs will meet in the finals for the NBA Championship this week. My team the Indiana Pacers were eliminated last week and it makes me a little sad. But I think the finals will present the game at it s best and should make for some good viewing.
If we could be a fly on the wall in the these two teams lockers rooms right now I bet we would hear a lot of optimism, encouragement and positive plans for how the teams will take their game onto the hardwood courts. I bet that inspite of a long season with bruises and injuries and fatigue these two teams that have made it to the top of the heap are expressions of confidence in their prospects to bring home another trophy and banner to hang from their stadium rafters.
That’s what winners do. Winners have a "can do” approach. Players on a winning team support, encourage and push teammates to reach beyond themselves and endure. They know they can’t give up when the goal is in sight. They have to show up on the mark ready to play in spite of the pain. That’s what winners do.
Winners motivate others to want to root for them. Winners can recruit others to their cause. You want to be on a winning team because it makes you become a better person.
In Revelation 15:3-4, in what is called a song of Moses and the Lamb, we see words that reflect a winning team–the people of God. Here is what it says: “Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship You. For Your judgments have been manifested.”
What is amazing to consider about those who sing this song is that these are “those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name,…” (Revelation 15:2). These have overcome adversity and great evil. By God’s help they have overcome an evil world. Their focus is on God and on Jesus Christ. That is how they are victorious and they can express that joy in this song. Now that is a piece of “winning buzz”.
This is the confidence expressed by a winning team. No matter the challenges or setbacks. No matter the present outward appearance. God’s winning team sees beyond the fog with a clarity of confidence and trust in God. That’s the starting point for creating a “winning buzz”.
Does your “team” have this buzz?