Don't Be Fooled By Propaganda - Recognize It

As Christians, we realize there is a spiritual war being waged for the hearts and minds of humanity. This war is waged using television, radio and all other types of media. While we fight using the Word of God, Satan will use any method to try and win. Contained amongst the many tactics used by the enemy, is the tool of, “propaganda.” While people can engage in propaganda either knowingly or unknowingly, it is important that we are able to identify it, so that we will not be deceived! Propaganda is used by world leaders, politicians, pundits and PR firms. It can be found almost everywhere, so watch out!
In 3 John:9-10 there is a blueprint that evil men have used throughout the ages to obtain and hold on to power. It’s a two-step method and it goes like this:
Attempt to discredit your enemy and control the environment of the people over whom you wish to gain power.
Separate and isolate people, especially those who could become a threat.
Propaganda is the tool they use.
Here are a few propaganda techniques you should know. They are used commonly because they are effective! Knowing them will give you the antidote to counteract their poison.
Ad hominem: If you can’t win the argument, attack the person.
“Where do I go to get my reputation back?” That was the question asked by Ray Donovan, President Reagan's Labor Secretary, after he was found not guilty of corruption charges. It didn’t matter. Those who paid little attention to the issue just remembered he was charged with corruption and assumed he was a crook. Those who did pay attention had it in the back of their mind, “What if the jury got it wrong and this man really is a criminal?” The ad hominem attack had done its work.
Ad nauseum: Put out the message over and over again until you want to vomit!
Drill it into people’s heads until it’s second nature. Once it’s hard-wired into a person’s brain, they will act accordingly, even if it’s complete baloney! "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
The black and white fallacy: There are only two choices!
What if your child came up to you and said, “If you don’t give me candy, then you don’t love me!” Would that be valid? Are there more than two choices in this situation? Politicians in America are fond of using this one. It seems no matter what the position of one political party, the other party automatically takes the opposite view!
The Half-truth
“That man punched me in the face!” But conveniently left out is the fact it was only because he was first attacked with a knife. That changes the situation, doesn’t it? You can deceive people without lying. The devil has been known to quote scripture, (see Matthew 4:1-11).
Milieu Control: An attempt to control the social environment through the use of social pressure, (a.k.a. being “politically correct”).
Does anyone remember the Duck Dynasty uproar? When one of the main characters expressed his view that homosexuality was a sin, many activist groups tried to get the show thrown off the air and sales of their merchandise banned. Their efforts backfired, but this is a great example of this technique.
Flattery: An appeal to our desires.
Buy my product, you DESERVE it! Everyone else has the latest gizmo! The fact you don’t is sooo unfair!
Here is the bottom line: know your Bible. Think clearly and ask God for wisdom and righteous discernment. Do not become a casualty of the enemy’s propaganda! Continue the good fight as a Christian soldier until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. May God speed that day!