How Life Began
The Never Ending Debate
For almost two centuries arguments between two 'faiths'—one in evolution, the other in creation—have raged. Both raise questions, but neither has resolved them to the other's satisfaction. Simply put, the dividing issue is, did we evolve through natural selection and survival of the fittest or were we created by a superior being?
These two perspectives remind me of two ships very slowly passing each other in a dense fog. Neither is visible to the other. So both ships' foghorns blare out as loudly as possible, proclaiming warnings of their directions. Yet all aboard each vessel are sincerely perplexed why those on the other vessel have charted the course they are taking.
The evolutionists have their perspective of 'pure science,' claiming that their explanation is the only logical, demonstrable one. They are convinced it is correct. As Richard Dawkin (the current guru of the evolutionist perspective) says "…evolution allows me to be an intellectual atheist"—which roughly translates that he has a brain, a mind, but doesn't have to believe in a God.
The creationists are equally adamant in their claims of intelligent design—from a source that is above and beyond scientific explanation or human logic. And there are scientists in many fields who agree. Yet neither side is willing to back away from championing its particular source of evidence.
At the heart of the argument is the reliability of the Bible. It claims to be revealed information—inspired directly by the Creator God. Within its pages there is an abundance of evidence that relates directly to the conflict between those whose faith is in evolution and those who place their faith in creation as an act of God. That evidence is supplemented by an immense amount of scientific evidence.
Therefore, I don't find it surprising that some scientists are coming to a screeching halt in their anti-creationists views because in many areas of their research they can 'explain things no further' by scientific or evolutionary means. This has led them to the conclusion that there must be intelligence behind the incredible designs they see in nature.
As a Christian, I accept the compelling biblical and scientific evidence that God exists and that man is not a chemical accident. I also accept the biblical teaching that we are on this earth for a special reason and purpose.
What is that purpose? Are we here just to live, suffer and die? Or, as some would say, to go on to some 'nirvana in the sky,' or even worse, to an ever-burning hell?
The scriptures reveal God's real purpose is in "bringing many sons' to glory." What does this mean? It clearly indicates that God is working with humans for a great and wonderful result.
The Bible plainly says that man is a physical being who at death returns to the basic elements from which he exists—"dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). If God had no plan, man would simply live, suffer and die with no hope of eternal life.
Thousands of years ago the patriarch Job knew of God's plan. He phrased the profound question: "If a man die will he live again?" Then he immediately answered it: "All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes. You shall call, and I will answer You; You shall desire the work of Your hands" (Job 14:14-15). The prophet Isaiah points in the same direction when he says ... "we are the clay, and you are the potter, and we are all the work of your hand" (Isaiah 64:8).
God, through Jesus the Christ, offers man an eternal future. Jesus is already the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18). The scriptures describe man as a potential heir of God, a joint-heir with Jesus Christ of an eternal inheritance (Romans 8:17).
As humans, we all sin—we 'miss the mark' set by God's commands (1 John 3:4). So we all must first turn away from sin—that is, repent (Luke 13:1-3)—and, with Jesus Christ's help, build the kind of character that that is essential for us to be a truly "new creation" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). If we willingly comply, at Christ's return we can be resurrected and changed by God into immortal beings (1 Corinthians 1:50-54)—able to enjoy useful lives for all eternity.
Because this topic is so vital, so challenging, I offer you the additional information needed for understanding it more fully. Just request, read online or download now your free copies of these exceptionally informative booklets, What Is Your Destiny? and Creation or Evolution—Does It Really Matter What You Believe?