Iran and Nuclear Weapons

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Iran and Nuclear Weapons

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Iran already has missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads that could reach Israel and Europe. They will have a capability soon, whether it is in one month or a couple of years. Britain Germany and France have held talks in an attempt to restrain Iran's use of nuclear power to peaceful energy production. Those talks broke down last week when Iran said they would resume work to produce the elements needed to produce weapons grade material. This report today shows that Iran has been steadily moving forward with plans for a nuclear bomb, in spite of talks aimed at controlling or slowing down the process.

Although Iran claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes there is the fear, and likelihood, that Iran would supply nuclear weapons to terrorists. Iran's links to terrorist groups is well established. America's official 9/11 report confirmed that Hezbollah, an Iranian supported terrorist group trained terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.

President Bush has said a nuclear armed Iran is an unacceptable option for world security. He is determined it will not happen on his watch. When Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the President last month this topic was on his mind. Israel could be an option used to prevent the Iranian program. In 1981 an israeli fighter squadron knocked out Sadaam Hussein's nuclear facility. It is speculated they could do the same today in Iran. It would be a bigger job, requiring more planes over longer distances against more targets. It is likely a successful attack would require the assistance of the United States military. As Iran reveals more information and progresses further toward possession of a bomb, it is probable that some type of military option would be used to thwart Iranian plans.

There is no question this is a serious national security issue for the United States, Europe and Israel. For a more detailed analysis of Iran's nuclear potential check out this article in the May issue of World News and Prophecy .