Is the 'Special Relationship' Changing

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Is the 'Special Relationship' Changing

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Gordon Brown comes to Washington this week. The global financial crisis will be top of the agenda.

Sunday’s Times of London caried an article by Prime Minister Brown that may give a hint of some of the specifics he will bring up with President Obama. Brown talks of a “global new deal” which seeks to life the world onto the sunlit uplands of prosperity. He writes:

It is a global new deal that will lay the foundations not just fora sustainable economic recovery but for a genuinely new era of international partnership in which all countries have a part to play.

There is plenty in this article to warm the hearts of those who seek a one world system. America and Britain may plan to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony but I fear they will run into a hard brick wall. As Brown says at the beginning of the article:

Historians will look back and say this was no ordinary time but a defining moment: an unprecedented period of global change, and a time when one chapter ended and another began.

In this he is likely spot on. It will take time for it all to play out but we will see the time when the special relationship between America and Great Britain will be reversed. They will find they will no longer be the blessing to world as in the past. Times indeed are changing.