Israel's Air Strike Into Syria

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Israel's Air Strike Into Syria

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Israel Won't Allow WMD in Neighborhood

Something happened on September 6 in northern Syria when Israeli jets flew in and then released fuel tanks over Turkey on their return. Israeli opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday on Israeli TV that Israel launched an operation into Syria a couple of weeks ago. He shed little light on it; what was most interesting was that Netanyahu went out of his way not only to support the mission but also to praise Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for carrying it out.

Speculation is they attacked a facility involved in nuclear weapons production. The North Koreans could be involved and by the looks of this article in Haaretz remnants of an Iraqi program could have found their way into the Syria.

This morning in a White House news conference President Bush emphatically refused to comment on the incident when asked by a reporter. His expression signaled something important happened.

This recent Christian Science Monitor article gives more info on the matter.