"It's Not All About You!"

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"It's Not All About You!"

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You've heard this phrase before, haven't you? "It's not all about you!" We usually hear it when we've become selfish or have stopped thinking about the needs of other people around us. It often takes a good friend or our spouse to utter those words to us!

Well, there is actually a lot of wisdom in those five words. And when it comes to spiritual matters, it's never all about you. It's never all about me. In preparing to be sons and daughters in God's family, it's all about God, not us.

Until You Know…

We have to constantly remember that for the grace of God, we are nothing. The skills, talents and abilities we have are to be used to glorify God, not ourselves. Over the millennia, there have been numerous stories recorded of men and women who took too much upon themselves—leaving God out of the picture.

You will remember the famous story of Nebuchadnezzar who was reduced to the life of an animal after uttering these infamous words: "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?" (Daniel 4:30 emphasis added throughout).

After pronouncing these words Nebuchadnezzar was told by God: "Your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field…until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses" (verse 32).

Don't Get the "Big Head"

It's not just kings who can get "the big head." We too must always be watchful that we don't take the glory for ourselves. The glory must go to God. This is true on an individual level, as well as for all of God's people. Any successes we may have in our lives are to accomplish His will and are for His glory. It is not of ourselves.

The apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian brethren about this very thing: "But 'he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.' For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends" (2 Corinthians 10:17-18). We must be very careful to give the honor and glory to God in all we do, not for our own benefit. Let God commend you.

Maybe you can think of some additional biblical examples of someone who "got the big head?" Or, maybe you can think of a modern-day example?

Acts chapter 12 recounts the untimely death of Herod Agrippa after he agrees with the gathered crowd that he is "of a god, not of a man!" (Acts 12:22). Immediately "an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died" (Acts 12:23).

Let us be reminded to always give the honor and glory to God in our lives each day. It is He who sustains our life—our very existence (let alone our accomplishments). Let's enter each day using it for His honor and glory. After all, it's not all about you and me!


  • trudy BAILEY

    Greetings , and good morning in the name of Jesus, our personal Lord and Savior.First of all , I would like to let you know , how much I look forward in receiving, the Good News Magazines. Yes it is Good News, that Jesus is alive.I love the little booklets as well, and use them for my personal Bible study guides, and personal reflection.I will share a breif story with you how God used me as His instrument, years in 2002,to force someone to go to the Doctor , and ended up having surgery that same night. I was invited out to dinner one evening after work, but I wanted to go home and change first, then being lead and surrending to the power of the Holy Spirit, I changed my mind. We went out , but my ex-boyfriend was not feeling well that night.I stayed and what I thought was that I would leave from his place the next day, as I had to work from three thirty to eleven thirty. He was not well during the night, so I told him call your Doctor, he said he is not in today,its Saturday, I told him ther will be someone covering, he said no he will wiat till Moday,I said no you are going. We went , then was sent to another hospital for Diagnostic Tests. He ended up having surgery that night , having pressure released from his head. It took years for me to unnderstand, and question myself why did I feel so complelled to force him, but it was really the leading of the Holy Spirit , and me surrrending to His will, and the gift and talent that He has bestowed upon my life. When God states in His Word, that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are higher, I can totally relate that situation. Phillipans 2:13 It is God that works in you both to will , and to to do for His good pleasure . I am a nurse, and God knew that this day would come, and He put me right where He wanted me to Glorify and Magnify His name.Continue to pray for me that the Lord Jesus Christ, will work in and through me for His Glory.Praise God the individual is still alive after nine years this June.


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