Life Lessons: Monopoly

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Remember the game of Monopoly? The goal of the game is to collect all the properties of a particular color and then build houses and hotels on those properties.

Remember what is was like when you landed on someone else's property and they owned a hotel. You would pay out all your money, sell off your houses and then have to mortgage your properties. If you landed on a second hotel you would most likely lose your properties and go bankrupt. You were then out of the game.

The child's game of Monopoly has an important lesson for adult life. When you spend more than you make and buy on credit eventually you lose. Solomon wrote in Proverbs 22:7: "The borrower is servant to the lender."

The best way to get out of debt is to first get control of your money by learning how to budget and then living within that budget, even if it means lowering your standard of living.

This way you can break the oppression of being a servant to the lender.


  • stuart 46
    Hi Gary Great view on a potentially painful lesson and as said should be learnt before going through the pain, after learning from the word of God via UCG I am getting my finances under control slowly and know all to well what it is like to be the servant of the lender! We should be educating this subject in our schools so the next generation do not fall foul to the evils of the have now pay latter attitude that my generation of the 90's grew up with.
  • russell lamar reding
    I hope we can learn this lesson from playing the game. It is much better to learn the lesson without having such potential consequences like those which can be faced in real life circumstances. Any lesson learned without chance of facing problems is better. Some other examples are learning from the example of others. The Bible is full of lessons we can learn from the experiences of others, both good or bad. From the good we learn what can work for our own good and from the bad we can learn things to avoid. Thanks Mr. Petty for getting us to think.
  • russell lamar reding
    I hope we can learn this lesson from playing the game. It is much better to learn the lesson without having such potential consequences like those which can be faced in real life circumstances. Any lesson learned without chance of facing problems is better. Some other examples are learning from the example of others. The Bible is full of lessons we can learn from the experiences of others, both good or bad. From the good we learn what can work for our own good and from the bad we can learn things to avoid. Thanks Mr. Petty for getting us to think.
  • vielgervise
    Hello Mr.Petty, thank you so much for sharing this life lesson. I can relate with this topic. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE as well :)
  • dust_i_am
    If only life had scattered "Advance to Go" cards, to collect extra money. :-(
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