Life: More than the "Status Quo[ta]"

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More than the "Status Quo[ta]"

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When the time comes, where they combine all social media outlets into one super-site, namely “MyFaceYouTwit,” perhaps I would buy into it… but until then I have my life consumed by just one venue: Facebook. We are so used to being instantly connected with everyone via impersonal forms of communication. It may be nice to know if my uncle says he is “on the porch right now!” if I happened to have misplaced my uncle. However it seems there may be better uses for my time than browsing through a never-ending, perpetually updating, and often misrepresentative statuses of people in my virtual network of friends.

Don’t get me wrong. I am on Facebook a lot. Far more than I should be. Part of my job as a web developer means integrating Facebook likes and shares into websites I’m developing and testing that functionality. I would try to make this my justification for being on it so much, except that in my free time I am right back on it! Am I addicted? Perhaps. Sometimes we laugh at the concept of someone being “addicted to Facebook,” yet addictions can be formed with anything one has an unhealthy attachment to.

Addictions are a form of idolatry. An idol is simply something that you devote a lot of time to, revere, and trust in more than the almighty God of heaven and earth. Some of America’s idols are celebrities, material goods and wealth, entertainment, food, internet, etc… But all of these periphery “things” point to the true source of our idolatry = ourselves. Is it wrong to be amused by celebrities? No. Is it wrong to have material goods and wealth? No. Is going on Facebook wrong, or indicative of idolatry? No! However, if someone looked at your life (what you focus your time, focus, reliance, and pleasure on) – what would they find?

Sometimes I feel like I need to post and/or read my quota of status updates per day. Everyone posts and reads posts on Facebook, and I want to be a part of this ‘status quo’ to get my ‘status quota’ so to speak. If you were to ask me point blank, “are there more important things in life than Facebook?” my answer would be “of course!” Yet, an objective observer of my day would find that an obscene amount of time is spent on Facebook – indicating that this social networking venue is what’s truly important to me.

Sometimes I need to remind myself that real life events are MORE than simply the comments I get on its FB photo album. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and think of what my status should be. Sometimes I take pictures on my phone with the sole intent of seeing how many comments I can receive on it once I post to Facebook. We are so comfortable divulging tons of personal information about ourselves on Facebook, and yet Americans pray to God less and less.

Perhaps God wants status updates from us. Not through Facebook, but prayer. Maybe it seems like a cheesy concept, but relationships require communication and sharing. Humanly, its difficult to be engaged in conversation with someone who is generally intangible and invisible, especially when we’re so used to audio and visual feedback. However, if we spent as much time telling God about our day, our goals, our feelings, and our ‘likes’ as we do telling the nebulous blob of our intangible social network, then I think that we’d all be much better off!

It may not seem exciting to this A.D.D generation of young people raised on video games and smartphones to simply ‘pray and meditate.’ Meditation does not have to mean sitting on a rug with our legs all folded up and chanting “omm” in a melancholy drone. Meditation means thinking about an idea, entity, or groups of ideas while blocking out other distractions. Sometimes, that is really what we tend to do with social media. We could all benefit from meditating about God’s ways and His word a bit more in our lives.

So, while you’re out on the web getting your status quo of statuses – remember to send them to God as well. Share your thoughts on a wall ‘not made with hands’ and on a ‘timeline’ that had no start and will have no end. Try this and perhaps you’ll see more notifications in your life from the Creator of life!


  • helpingtodaysgeneration
    I am so happy that I found this article on addictions! I'm gradually slowing down on my use of electronic devices (even though I type this on an electronic)! Although I still need a lot of help with Youtube, Facebook, and even the newly created Instagram, I feel like I'm doing a bit better. I haven't gone on Facebook for three months and I feel as if it's a big success. Same goes for Twitter and the others. I give all of my credit to our God who helped me within.
  • Jason Nitzberg

    Oh Mr. Rose! You are addicted, my friend. But while you are trying to find that life/facebook balance ... I will enjoy the thought of 'giving God status updates'. This is such an interesting idea - it is that pause in the middle of enjoying something and saying, 'Thanks God - this is really cool' or 'Wow God, this sunset is gorgeous!' or 'God! I need help!'

    Thanks for putting this together Mr. Rose - and try not to think of status updates. And please stop poking me. ;)

  • Sherrie_Giddens

    Well said! Unfortunately it is not only for the younger generation. Many of us with a little silver or grey in the hair also spend more time on FB than maybe we should. It offers the opportunity to find links, such as the one to this blog. It also offers time wasting activity. Time, the one thing we all say we do not have enough of, yet we spend it as if it is endless.

    Good post!

  • KARS

    lol Mr. Rose,
    Some of your comments are funny but so true. We can get caught up in each social network we put ourselves in. Then it's like I have heard said: "You need to get a life."

    It's sad when you see how we are becoming like some of the robotic movies that have been at the movie theaters. Or better yet. The movie "Wallie" Where we just sit in front of our screens all day; and the world just passes us by. And we forget how to associate with each other and how to humanly get along.

    That is why in the Holy Bible we are given a warning to always keep alert with our watching, praying, and developing Godly character by Bible study and using what we learn to interact with God our Father and human beings, not machines.

    We really don't want to be caught off guard and be desensetized while the world events around us keep getting worse.

    I don't know if they still show "The Simpson" reruns but there was this one episode where the power went out and the kids finally went outside to play. However, because they had spent so much time watching the TV; when they went outside, you'd think they were on another planet.
    They didn't even know what to do with themselves let alone play.
    Sound familar?

    It's important that we have a balance of worshipping our Creator God first, then our needs come second. Remember the old saying? "Roman was not built in a day." Therefore by planning our week, or month, we can realistically put the most important things first on our "to do list". Then spread them over the week.

    It doesn't have to been done all at once ("Like a chicken with it's head cut off.") Take it one day at a time and then rest on the Sabbath day.

    "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
    Matt. 6:34 NKJV 1982

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