Looking for Married Bliss

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Looking for Married Bliss

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Divorce rates are still high but they have reached a plateau. Will they go up or will they go down? Like everything else it depends on the choices people make.

Today’s Wall Street Journal carries an article in their work and family section with some helpful conclusions from a stack of studies. Here are some generally helpful steps to take to increase the chances for a happy marriage.

1. Take life’s big steps in mindful order. (Something like, “love, marriage and then sex”.)
2. Be wary of casual cohabitation. (The Bible has lots to say about this)
3. Find a supportive workplace. (Positive reinforcement helps)
4. Act quickly when troubles arise. (Don’t assume you can always work it out on your own).

I like the concluding advice from a cab driver, “At the end of the day you have to take time to enjoy one another”.