Poor Israel--I'm Appalled by President Obama's Speech

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Poor Israel--I'm Appalled by President Obama's Speech

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I'm appalled that President Obama would betray the nation of Israel, one of our most trustworthy and helpful allies. He has officially demanded that Israel pull its borders back to where they were before the 1967 war. If that ever happens, Israel will be indefensible.

Israel is tiny.  It is smaller than any Central American country. When I toured Israel in 1991, I became more aware of how tiny it is. And it will be much tinier if it is forced to shrink into its pre-1967 borders.

The dangers to Israel would be much greater than they were before 1967. Israel would not only be surrounded by enemies who won't recognize Israel's right to exist--who are determined to annihilate Israel--but those enemies now have modern technology and powerful long-range weaponry.

I'm appalled that a U.S. president is making decisions about the future of other countries rather than letting those countries determine their future through negotiations.

I'm appalled that our president would make this public announcement on the day before the arrival of Israeli President Benyamin Netanyahu for talks with Obama. President Obama not only did not consult with Netanyahu before making the speech, he didn't even inform the Israeli president. This was a stunning slap in Netanyahu's face. When Netanyahu arrives, what will be left to talk about? Obama has already reached his conclusions and made his decisions.

I'm appalled that our president thinks he will make the world peaceful and friendly by offering even more foreign aid to Israel and to Israel's enemies--billions and billions of dollars that we don't have because we're broke!

I'm appalled but not shocked. In a sense we've seen this coming because of the attitudes, policies and speeches of President Obama.

And I'm not shocked because I understand quite a bit about Bible prophecy.  The Bible makes it clear that things will get much worse for Israel before they get better. They will eventually get better because Christ will return to earth. He will first make war with those who are opposing Him. And then He will make peace for the whole world.

Israel has been like a brother to the United States. The betrayal of Israel seems similar to what the Bible tells us about the way Joseph was betrayed by his brothers.

But the Jewish people are related much more closely to the people who migrated from Europe to settle in America than what most people realize. The history of that amazing relationship is explained in our booklet, The United States and Britain in Prophecy. That booklet and another booklet, The Middle East in Prophecy, also explain the prophecies regarding Israel and the Middle East.


  • Eric V. Snow

    When discussing whether the modern descendants of Judah have any right to the Holy Land today, it's worth general consideration about whether Scripture teaches that God's physical people still benefit from the blessings from the covenant God made with Abraham. This raises the whole issue of what is called "replacement theology" among traditional Christians, in which the church totally replaces Israel and Judah as God's chosen people. To what extent was the birthright promise, which specifically went to the tribe of Joseph (I Chron. 5:1-2), unconditional? And if Israel and Judah's sins, as well as Jesus' death, ended the old covenant (Hebrews 8:6-8, 13), did that also end the physical promises made to Abraham's descendants? We know from Galatians 3:16-18 that the promises to Abraham weren't automatically ended because the old covenant ended. The last chapter of Ezekiel portrays the tribes of Israel as being restored to the Holy Land after Christ's return. So the Zionist Jews, despite being generally being skeptical secularists who had little faith in the Torah, let alone Jesus, didn't clearly "jump the gun." They didn't return to the Middle East too early (i.e., before the millennium), based on such texts as Zech. 14:14; 12:2, 5-7, 9-11. So then, we should think how much the modern Jews (almost all of whom deny Jesus as the Messiah) are entitled to the Holy Land when God promised His descendants would have land in the Middle East (Genesis 15:18-21; 17:8). If Abraham's act of offering up Isaac made these promises unconditional (compare Genesis 22:16-18 with 18:17-19), then there's good reason to believe all these physical promises haven't terminated, that God isn't done dealing with the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in a special manner. After all, a running theme in the Old Testament concerns where God says He will punish Israel and Judah for their sins, but then says He will have mercy on them also. Of course, how one gains spiritual salvation is a separate matter, since that has nothing to do with race and nationality, but with grace and repentance (as per Gal. 3:26-28; Romans 11).

  • Durango

    I think ex-President Carter has a book he wrote concerning the Arab(Palestinian/Israeli conflict. I'll probably go get a copy but UCG Pastor Gary Petty has a video explaing some of the roots of the conflict from the Muslim, Jewish and Christain narrative. I watched most of the video today - it was very informative, I reccomend viewing it because he addresses the conflict through the historical worldviews of the respective religions.

    For instance he delves into the narrative of the Abrahamic covenant when Abraham sacrificed his son. From the Biblical narrative we know it was Isaac who was sacrificed Yet from thhe Muslim belief it was Ishmael, as Ishmael was the first born hence the conflict over the true child of the promise.

    I believe I recall seeing a discovery channel program about that topic but had forgotten about it, just put it in the back of my mind.

    But I have a Muslim friend from Yemen and now I realize why he keeps telling me that the Jews changed the Bible.

    Now it makes sense to me why Muslims, although they respect "people of the book" who "live their faith," believe Christianity or Judaism is not true faith -- it goes back to the foundation of the covenant promise that G_d made with Abraham through his son Isaac.

    Muslims/Arabs know Ishmael was the firstborn; so in their minds he must be the rightful heir to Abraham. Im not sure if that is also in the Koran.

    At any rate I do vaguely recall Pastor Herbert Armstrong stating that tryingto use man-made force by the Jews of Modern Israel to maintain the land would result in more bloodshed, and that the only solution was Messiah Yeshua; dont qoute me on that but i recall reading something like that because i was curious as to what Mr. Armstrong taught about the problem in the region.

    Since that is the foundation of the Muslim Arab view, that problem will not go away probably, even with the best intentions because that is a highly contoversial sensitive subject - who is the true heir of Abraham and what is bequethed to the true heir.

    I know myself in my own family - I am usually at odds with my brother over similar types of sibling disputes. So i can only imagine the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac. Im still working on myself in humbling myself in that regard to trying to behave in accordance with what Messiah Yeshua teaches about how live in response to conlict between sibling or fellowman.

    In light of this understanding I myself will try to be more understanding and compassionate to both parties since I realize this conflict runs deep and is very emotional, stemming from a belief about a father-son relationship.

  • Roger Christiansen

    I don't know of any President who suggested a draw back. However, I could be wrong, but you are correct, President Carter was sympathetic to the Palestinian displacement, his suggestion I believe, was the IDF (Israels Defense Force) be replaced by a international peace keeping force.

    Although I was disappointed with President Obama's statement, and I think he is way of the mark in suggesting a pullback. I also find it difficult to side with those who think that either of these two peoples have some divine right to the land.

    Yes the land is destined to be Israel's land. And of course this presents a huge difference between the Islamic view of God's covenant and the Jewish an Christian viewpoints.
    If it were only that simple.
    We can't assume that God is just going to hand over ruling authority to a people who are in open rebellion thinking they have a covenant God has made with them. A promise that He must keep no matter what. I don't believe God has ever been trapped into that kind of thinking. So now, the stones/Christians have been given a different understanding of that promise. Not just different then the Islamic view, but the Jewish viewpoint as well. Christians understand that the promises made to Abraham, including the land, will be a everlasting inheritance to the true spiritual Israel, not a disobedient and unbelieving one. One that will include not only the Jews, but people of all nationalities and races.

    The preaching of John The Baptist Matthew 3:9 points to the matter. John settles this argument before the Jews have a chance to face him with it:

    "And do not think to say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones."

    Paul to sums it up real well in Romans 11:25-32, verse 28 is really the key verse I believe.
    "From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers."

    My point: Nobody Traps God.
    Neither side should be allowed to stake its claim on divine right. The debate has to find a balance. We should seek and encourage our President, and our representatives to find settlements that take into account not only the historical record, but the social issues of both people as well. That is the best we can do until Christ returns.

    In the end God will give authority to those who rule not only wisely and justly, but spiritually as well. Don't think you will be allowed to trap Him into doing it in any other way. If Satan and all his demons could not do it,----- well anyway. Satan keeps trying to make us believe we can. However, sometimes through prayer and repentance, and God's help men have gotten it right.

    There is no need to fight over land when the meek in fellowship with the Lamb of God will inherit the earth.

  • Durango

    Does anyone know if this is actually A FIRST for any American President to make such a shocking proposal???

    I dont even think that President Carter who is very sympathetic to the plight of displaced Palestinians has ever suggested such a radical proposal as the implementation of 1967 type borders.

    I see Gary Petty has posted a video I have yet to watch about the only solution to the conflict - which has got to be a Bible based solution.

  • Durango

    I thought Obama's announcement was eerie, espcially given the recent story about Osama Bin Laden which I believe was bogus since they got rid of the body. Anyway it seemed very eerie - first the Bin Laden story and now the 1967 Border proposal by the President.

    It seemed so bizzare,surreal!! How is that going to help? Makes me very suspicious of Obama's motives, it makes him look disengenuous and Machiavellian.

  • Eric V. Snow

    The basic argument in favor of shrinking Israel to its pre-1967 borders is "land for peace." That is, the Palestinians (i.e., the Arabs and their descendants who lived within the borders of the modern state of Israel before 1948) would give up wanting all of their land back if they were "bought off" by getting independence for the West bank and Gaza strip territories. But when so many Palestianians are so bitter for so many decades over what happpened after the 1948 war for Israel's independence, can they really become "content" and reliably promise to not wage war again if Israel did this? Consider how much radical Islamic ideology is so entrenched among so many of these people, that land lost to the "infidels" should be recovered by armed force if necessary. So such a deal seems dubious a priori (i.e., ahead of experience).

    A good analogy to Israel's position in many regards is that of Czechoslovakia in 1938, when Hitler demanded the largely German-inhabited territories bordering Germany. It happened to be that the Sudetenland contained the mountains and the most defensible positions against a future German attack. Czechoslovakia had built impressive fortifications during the years it had been independent in that area. Hence, if that land was stripped from Czechoslovakia, it would be almost helpless against a major German armed assault. But notice the other aspect of Hitler's case, which is much like the Palestinian's case today, which gives it intellectual respectability: Self-determination of the governed people. Just as a majority of the inhabitants of the Sudetenland wanted to be be part of a nation of their fellow Germans, almost all Palestinians in the semi-/formerly occupied territories want to be independent of Israeli rule. It's very hard financially and even morally (by current worldly standards at least) for modern Israel to argue in favor of permanently ruling so many people who are so hostile to its rule. So to let the Palestinians become independent is like letting a tiger held by its throat go: It's hard to keep holding onto it, but it's very dangerous to let it go as well. Furthermore, Israel is increasingly becoming diplomatically isolated, much as the white South African regime was, which undermines its legitimacy, so long as it doesn't consent to letting the Palestinians in those territories become independent (i.e., gain national self-determination).

    Furthermore, it's hard to find any real compromise about who would rule/own Jeruslem. The Israeli state sure doesn't want to give away its capital, yet the Palestianians claim it for their capital also. Let's recall the world's last great experiment with an "internationalized" city, Danzig in Poland between the two world wars: That ended in an obvious disaster, after Hitler in 1939, once again playing the self-determination card, wanted it incorprated into the Third Reich since it had so many Germans living in it. At best, a possible worldly compromise through the "peace process" would be to ban the Palestianians from having a serious army and/or to create a large demilitarized zone near the Israeli border that if it was violated would be a "causi belli" i.e., built-in permission for an Israeli act of war in response. (Of course, going to war is always a sin, but we have to consider how people in the world would analyze the situation). But it would still mean Israel would have to live its national life on a hair trigger, always watching for some army to enter those areas. As we look at this matter based on Biblical prophecy, it's obvious that at some point the EU will impose some kind of peace deal on Israel, once the USA is no longer in a position to support Israel financially or militarily. Likely it will hailed as a great, marvelous solution, but it will produce a disaster instead, during the great tribulation to come.

  • Johannes Meintjes

    I am not surprise at all as this event unfolds.
    It is as plain as daylight that the Palestinians also want Israel for themselves. The end time is coming closer.
    Everyone may find this very meaning full information regarding Israel.
    **Link Removed to comply with comment policy**
    On this website there is free PDF files that one can download.
    Awe inspiring reading as I found that there were written of petroleum in the Bible.
    That is why i can say The word of God is amazing just as amazing as He is.
    God Bless everyone.

  • Rit Janula

    I dont know...My Great grandmother was in a concetration camp either because she was a jew or cause she helped them in poland back in the day...I think we should cut off all funding to the jews as they are able to take care of themselves...But I also think the Jew's should stop playing around..all my life it's been nothing but a beef over there and I'm sick of hearing about it. the palestinians are a defeated nation. They should round them all up from the westbank and gaza and send them over the border to Egypt. Furthermore they should push thier border back all the way to the Jordan river. as far as osama..I mean obama...Whatever..The U.s. gives Israel money then tells them what they can and cant do..Israel needs to get busy.And they need to blow up the the dome on the rock and rebuild the temple.

  • Roger Christiansen

    Irrespective & Irresponsible

    I'm not surprised either. With the middle east in the extreme agitation over it's ruling monarchies. Monarchies by the way America has supported over the years, for an American President to say a thing like this.

    The implications of this is not just some of todays political jawing about but, the history dates back thousands of years. This was Palestinian land for two thousand years. Their families and homes and traditions and history date back to Abraham. Prior to that this was Jewish territory, lost because of their inability to accept Roman rule.

    Now we have thousands of Palestinians in their homeland and thousands more in Jordan, "ruled by a monarch," who want their homeland back. Hatred runs high, these words are like pouring gas on a fire in that neck of the woods.

  • jledbetter07

    My mom called me yesterday to tell me about the speech and the decision that Pres Obama had made. It is extremely sad and grave. But like you said - its not shocking - nothing is shocking when we know what prophecy says will happen. I dread it but look forward to the time when it will finally be over and we and all the earth will have rest and peace forever.

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