So What's the Right Way to View the Gay Marriage Debate as a Christian?

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So What's the Right Way to View the Gay Marriage Debate as a Christian?

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I got a certain number of responses to my last blog post about Christians who support gay marriage. One response I got essentially asked, “How should I feel about gay marriage as a Christian on a secular level?” In trying to answer, I came to realize that even after writing that piece taking everybody to task for lacking resolve, I still have a bit of cognitive dissonance in my own mind. On the one hand, I enjoy the freedom in the U.S. to practice my religion as I see fit, and those same freedoms make it possible for somebody else to live the way they see fit as well. I greatly enjoy that liberty. So when it comes to gay marriage, there’s an aspect of me that feels: “What do I care? They can have the same liberties I have that afford me the privilege of living my lifestyle.” But then on the other hand, there’s the clear and direct teaching of the Scriptures. So I go back and forth on the issue—I enjoy the secular governmental system we have in place that gives me freedom of religion. But I also know the difference between right and wrong, which is defined by our Creator.

The foundational principles of Scripture have more or less served as the foundation of society in the United States since its inception. Or as John Adams, second president of the United States, put it: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” The more people ignore the morals and religious foundation of the Constitution and the more they begin to judge what’s right and wrong based solely on secular man-made laws, the more inevitable it becomes that we will write into law whatever makes us feel good. And that’s the gay marriage debate now—men and women arguing that what makes them feel good (their homosexuality) should be recognized and institutionalized by the secular government. It ignores completely the moral underpinnings of the Constitution, arguing solely from that document itself (“equal protection under the law”).

Look, we live in what Paul called “this present evil age.” There is a god of this world, who is the prince of the power of the air. He is at work trying to undermine Jesus Christ and His message.

At this point, it seems gay marriage is inevitable in America—more than half the country supports it according to polls.

So as a Christian, here’s what I know is true. Practicing homosexuality is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:24-27, Romans 8:5). God hates sin and will judge the earth according to its sins. As a nation, if we enact laws that institutionalize sin, we will reap what we sow. Whether abortion, gay marriage, injustice, greed, mistreating the poor or whatever else. God will judge the nations. He did it way back when with Sodom and Gamorrah, and He’ll do it in the future (Genesis 18:20, Genesis 19:13; Revelation 14:6-8).

My citizenship is in heaven. My King is Jesus Christ. The only goal that matters in my life is making my calling and election sure. My sole purpose is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I do not condone the practice of homosexuality—but neither is it my place to condemn people. In this present evil age, my responsibility is to live a life worthy of repentance, to let my light shine, to love my neighbor as myself, and to practice godly love. Sigh and cry over the abominations of the world, and pray every single day, “Your kingdom come!”


  • db
    @ bithiahamnon Your statement is a part of the problem and is fueling the widespread support, promotion, acceptance and practicing of the ungodly perversion, many people like yourself are being fooled by satan into believing that acceptance of perverse behavior and the labeling of it as love, is really love, but that is not biblically supported and is really completely contrary to and the opposite of what the word of God teaches. Satan is a master in the art of spiritual and physical destruction. The support and promotion of biblically contrasting, spiritually and physically destructive, perverse, twisted sexual behavior, behavior that greatly angers God can in no way be defined as love on any level. In reality what you are doing is justifying the wicked or evil something that is powerfully condemned by God. Notice Isaiah 5:20-25 King James Version (KJV) 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! Proverbs 17:15 King James Version (KJV) 15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 24:24 King James Version (KJV) 24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him: Psalm 97:10 King James Version (KJV) 10 Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. Support and justification of abbominably wicked behavior that greatly angers God and is obviously spiritually and physically destructive to man, can in no way be considered love in any context, that would simply be a hate for God and man and a justification of evil.
  • michael9776
    I read with special interest, the comments on this blog. Homosexuality is one of the symptoms of a society in need of God's merciful rescue and healing. As one of Western society's most polarized issues - it did not develop in a social vacuum unto itself. It is a manifestation of decades of cause-and-effect conditions from our entire society. It is an issue driven by pain of broken relationships. Yes, judgment will come - on all mankind! But, ultimately "mercy must triumph over judgment" in order for man to be saved. And, ultimately, our Savior, Jesus Christ will lead man out of all of his sins. I get the sense from reading comments here that some readers perceive that saying something kind or compassionate toward homosexuals equates to compromising with sin. No - it doesn't! God can, has and does show kindness and compassion to people while they are still in their sins. He did to me! It was the goodness of God (His patience and mercy toward me) that helped me to come to repentance. (See the Nov/Dec Good News article about the human side of homosexuality.) The issue of homosexuality is not only a morals issue. It involves deep-rooted emotional issues related to the need for same-sex love. If it were just a morals issue - it would be easier to cope with. I know from years of struggle that this is true. I also know that the Romans 1 "profile" that the apostle Paul described of homosexual immorality does not "fit" the experiences of many who struggle with the issue. Sodom and Gomorrah (and other towns in the area) were infamous for their sins. And a close reading of scriptures reveals that it was the depraved social condition resulting from numerous sins (not just "homosexuality" as some may think) that finally brought God's destruction on those cities. Yet, God was willing to show mercy toward them if He found only 10 righteous people there. As 10 righteous were not found, God destroyed the wicked cities. Yet, Abraham pleaded for Sodom. He wanted mercy to triumph over judgment. So, does God - and He will bring that about in His own time and way! Yes, homosexuals must repent - just like everyone else. Some have - others will someday. God has a grand plan for all mankind. God will help them through mercy and kindness - just like He has helped me! What does God think? It is in John 3:16 and 17. We all know those scriptures. Michael
  • Marcus5221
    The biblical position on homosexuality is clear and without doubt! God and Christ condemn the sin, without condemning the sinner. However, judgement is from God / Christ, if we all fail to repent and change. It is NOT tolerated by God / Christ, nor it is considered acceptable practice as long as we just profess Christ! Homosexuality is a sin, like adultry is a sin, like sex outside of marriage is a sin, as abortion is a sin, etc. All sin is NEVER tolerated by God / Christ, nor will it ever be, so we must change our behavior! It does not matter how "good" a person we might be in other areas of our lives, if we sin, we are sinners and must come to repentance. It is not about what gays think, or adulters think, or abortionists think. IT SHOULD BE ABOUT WHAT GOD THINKS!!!
  • Mitchell Moss
    db, Notice I carefully chose the word "condemn," not "judge." And the word condemn in this context means condemnation in the eternal sense. I'm not comfortable condemning people based only on my human judgment. I'm glad God has that job and not me because He knows hearts—including mine, a sinner that I am, trying every day to have the same mind as Christ.
  • bithiahamnon
    We are all sinners. Jesus dined with sinners and loved them. That is the example He left for us to follow. We will all be held accountable for everything we do in the open or in secret. It is not our place to do anything other than love others with the love of Christ. To do anything else would make us equally guilty; to break one command is the same as breaking all.
  • Ivan Veller
    Hello lionsunited, “‘Same-sex marriage’ advocates claim they are being discriminated against and denied civil rights enjoyed by heterosexual couples…governments have the right to pass laws for the good of their constituencies. Civil rights do not include the right to selfishly defy the existing laws of God…Romans 13”: “Some claim that the human authors of the Bible were ignorant of the dynamics of homosexuality and the capacity for people to love someone of the same sex and to make a commitment of marriage. In their minds civil rights take precedence. Even some conservative Christians share that viewpoint, citing passages in Romans 13 that urge Christians to submit to civil authority”: Christians are to strive to obey civil authority as much as God’s law allows (Mark 12:17). However, whenever there is a conflict, divine law takes precedence – in priority or “degree” (Thayer, G3123, Acts 5:29) – over civil law: “‘Nosotros tenemos que obedecer a Dios antes que [before] a cualquier autoridad humana’” (Acts 5:29, NTV 2011). “‘If we have to choose between obedience to God and obedience to any human authority, then we must’” first “‘obey God’” (Acts 5:29, Voice 2012) Because the “practicing [of] homosexuality…is contrary to…sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10b, NIV 2011), we teach: “Don't take part in sexual sins” (Romans 13:13, NIRV 1998).
  • whirlpool3
    Even for those of no faith, society at large has always sought to dissuade indiscriminate breeding. "Society" does not want to be responsible for unwanted foundlings. "Society" has no interest in marriage otherwise. It is the homosexual people who are demanding approbation from the community at large. Time will come when heterosexual people will claim to have married 'when marriage really was marriage'
  • dziwczyna
    Marriage represents the relationship we are to have with Christ. We are to remain faithful to him, and not prostitute ourselves with other 'religions'. Homosexuals are not monogamous. It destroys families and people's lives--and not just from a health standpoint. It is a very sad way to live. I can't imagine there being any joy. I'm convinced many homosexuals suffer from other, more serious issues in their lives, probably going back to their childhood. Homosexuality used to be considered a psychiatric condition, and it is a shame that it still isn't. Those people truly need help. I don't particularly like the authors comments about the freedoms we have to practice our beliefs allow others (even those living immorally) the same. God is the one who grants us this religious freedom we enjoy. He also granted it to the Israelites who were taken captive by Babylon and Assyria. He wants us to have a future and a hope, especially those who are called to know His way of life. He sets up leaders. Those same 'liberties' that are awarded, are really stripping away our freedoms of being God-fearing people because Biblical morals are seen as 'hate-mongering'. It is not a true freedom by any sense.
  • db
    Homosexuality and homosexual and lesbian marriage is simply an abomination and it is wrong, the bible is clear about that. And for you to claim as a christian it's not your place to judge and expose these things, is wrong as well, and not scripturally supported Notice ST John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment. 1 Corinthians 6:2-4 King James Version (KJV) 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. Ephesians 5:10-11 New International Version (NIV) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Leviticus 19:15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor. We as Christians are required to judge righteously and in righteousness, which is to say we must be righteous ourselves when applying that judgment.And judgment is necessary to expose evil for what it is, something all Christians must be ready and prepared to do at all times. Be firm in your commitment and beliefs and do not change your views and stance even when under pressure be steadfast in your beliefs, this is what true Christians are required to do.
  • Norbert Z
    The question, “How should I feel about gay marriage as a Christian on a secular level?” is one of those good questions. It does push the issue into specific area of thought. When the distinction of a division between church and state is made and ingrained into the national conscience, it does introduce a mindset within its' citizenry. The view of a "secular level" is created. Also modern atheism and its' major influence on the sciences does share some characteristics with religion even though many would deny such a thing. I doubt John Adams could have even imagined such a situation with his country during his time. Concretely, on a secular level the gospel can still be preached, the words contained in the Bible are able to be put out there. Christians can still discuss and state their view why gay marriage is immoral and why it is acting in a hateful manner towards the living God. Also in a practical manner, all governments of this world need to maintain the peace between different groups with opposing interests in their countries. In this specific area, the USA is doing an adequate but no where near perfect job about the issue of marriage. I say adequate because at the very least, there is enough peace to freely speak about all aspects concerning the good news of the Kingdom of God; marriage included. No where near perfect because the governments of this world find themselves not seeing the answer to the question created by allowing gay marriage. Or as Pilate the governor of Judea put it during a controversy at his time, "what is truth?" So on a secular level the USA allows people to pursue the will of whatever god or non-god they like. AND there is good news within this secular level. There is enough peace that the God of Abraham (who is Jesus Christ) can publically speak through His servants. To the nation and give His morally just and right way to lead their lives in marriage. Which produces MIXED emotions, it's something to feel good about and as the apostle Paul wrote, "Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved." Besides it's not something you or I can ram into people's heads, never mind an entire nation. After all the scripture doesn't read, 'Norbert Z or Mitchell Moss will put His laws in their hearts,' (Hebrews 10:15)
  • lionsunited
    Hello!...Perhaps a follow-up discussing Romans 13 and it's true intent(and original wording)would fit well here...Thank You.
  • consuelaporter
    This is such a distrubing topic. This corruption, this poison, this perverseness is taking over the world! We are in dyer need of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. First and foremost, we who are members of the body of Christ do not want to label ourselves as the world does. Most believe and call themselves christians. But what was the name used most in the bible? Saints. So I don't have a view as a christian; as this would put me under the same umbrella as the "christians" of this world. But as a saint of God my view about the gay marriage debates is just as God's view is. He abhors homosexuality and so do I. It's not so much as looking down at the person but just knowing what is righteousness to God and being in agreement with Him. If we walk together with Him we will always agree with Him (Amos 3:3). God said those kinds of behaviors and people will not be in His kingdom. As God's saints we have to be able to judge the smaller matters in life. So as for me, I am not in support of this behavior.
  • michael9776
    Hello Mr. Moss, I agree fully with your comments expressed in your last paragraph. It is the approach that our King, Jesus Christ, had toward mankind in this age. Jesus knew that the "god of this world" has temporary rule over this Earth - up until the King of kings comes back to forcefully replace him! When Satan tried to tempt Christ by offering Him immediate control of the kingdoms of this world - He never fell for the trap. Instead, Jesus set His will on pleasing His Father in heaven, which motivated Him to persevere against sin. And being without sin, He willingly became the Savior for all mankind, as revealed by the scriptures in John 3:16 and 17. Looking ahead, He declared that His Kingdom was not of this world - or else His servants would fight! But, as the scriptures say, a Christian's fight is not against flesh and blood - but against wicked spirits in the demonic world. We know that this world won't be "fixed" until Jesus Christ returns and forcefully replaces Satan who is the Tempter and Deceiver of mankind. Yet, in the meantime, the Church of God has a responsibility to preach and teach God's Word and the Good News of Jesus Christ's victory over Satan and the coming Kingdom of God. And we Christian's are to follow Christ and keep His commandments, to please God, to do what's right and to be a light to our fellow man. Yes, we are to stand for what is right. But, if the Church (or individual Christians) speak out on public issues - it is essential that we do so out of love - and not just contempt or disgust - toward sinners. If someone is preaching condemnation at homosexuals mostly out of hostility and disgust - the gays will sense it immediately... and they'll defend themselves either by ignoring the preacher, or by attacking back. The issue of homosexuality will not be going away - regardless of what the Supreme Court decides. It can't go away - because the issue is driven by underlying pain. The difficulty of the issue transcends warnings against immorality. If it were just a morals issue - it would be easier to cope with. I know this from years of struggle with this issue. If God had not called me into His Church - I would likely be "out there" with them. I feel nothing but compassion for them. Looking forward to the Kingdom of God, with Jesus Christ as our loving Savior and Ruler, is our true hope. Michael
  • Marcus5221
    Very simple and to the point. I like that approach and is is sadly lacking. What society does will result in consequences to society, but that does NOT change God's position on the issue. Thank you.
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