Be a "Big" Person

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Be a "Big" Person

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t takes a “big” man to set a “big” goal. There can be no greater goal in life than to reach out for eternal life—the gift from God (John 3:16). Going after such a goal demands courage, determination and dedication considering the constant opposition and distractions inherent in life.

“Big” people are not born big; they mature and grow as they develop clear thinking and forethought. Humans can change, especially with God’s help. They can become brave and fearless where once they were cowardly. The disciples of Jesus proved that in their transformation from the flight from Gethsemane to the courage they displayed in the book of Acts.

The Bible uses the phrase “gird up the loins of your mind” to encourage us to control ourselves and prepare for action (1 Peter 1:13). God is the source of our strength, and trusting Him starts with educating our minds to understand His power. It is when we stand within His protective arms that we become a “big” person. If we wait on Him, He will strengthen us (Psalm 27:14). While we wait, our minds should be filled with courageous and brave thoughts. Our own strength can’t do it, but by adding God’s infinite power, we will reach the goal of eternal life.