Decision Defeats Hesitation
Most learn the truth of the old adage “He who hesitates is lost” early on in life. It is not always easy to make a good decision, and people often leap from the frying pan into the fire because they have not first examined the direction they are leaping. But making no decision at all can be just as devastating. Opportunities are lost and doors are shut for the rest of our lives because of hesitation.
Decision making does require gathering all the facts that are possible, organizing and putting them together, deciding the course we will take and then taking that course. Every decision requires course adjustments, but such adjustments cannot be made until the decision is.
Consider airplanes. They take off from an airport with a decision made about where they will land—but course adjustments due to wind or other factors are a necessity. Life operates on the same principle. Don’t let fear hold you in its grip. Look, think…then act.