Different Fingerprints

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Different Fingerprints

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Some say variety is the spice of life, but actually variety is all we truly have. No thoughts come into our minds in exactly the same manner. We all have different "filters" through which information passes and from which thoughts then form. God has not made any two people fully alike. We’re similar in many ways but always different.

A great deal of happiness awaits those who accept and come to appreciate the differences of others—and in turn are appreciated for what they are. We sometimes want others to be as we are—to think like we think and to see things the way we see them. Though we can manage similarities in our points of view, we can never be 100 percent agreed. We need to learn to agree to "walk together" in spite of our differences. That is a large part of the meaning of Amos 3:3. Want to go for a walk?

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