Drop the Load

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Drop the Load

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These invisible heavy loads are thoughts that burden us with anxiety, fear and concern. There could be thoughts of revenge and records of hurts we may have suffered. These inner loads are heavy only to you. “It does not take a very big person to carry a grudge,” someone noted. But the one carrying it may find their life changed and the joy they could have had curtailed. “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; it only causes harm” (Psalm 37:8). Most of that harm impacts the one carrying the load, but all those associated with him are affected.

Jesus advised His followers to stop worrying about tomorrow or things they could not change—there are plenty of things a person needs to be concerned with without adding some extra (Matthew 6:34). If we carry our concerns and worries from the previous day into today, we will have an ever-heavier load to carry. There are some parts of the load that we must bear, but things like grudges, anger or attempts to retaliate are ones that we do not need. Drop them, and your load will be lighter.


  • peavym

    How can we love others if due to the abusiveness of a parent, we have learned only self hatred and worthlessness

  • Robert and Val

    Thank you for the true response Michelle. There is far too much hurt and pain young children and people suffer that they carry all their lives. However, it will take the will to fight that hurt which may help the person change. It may take time and consistent effort. Jesus said to place all our cares on Him (I Pet. 5:7) for he cares for you and Paul encouraged people to search for good and healthy things to think about to counter inner negatives (Phil. 4:4-9). Word are easy to say, but not easy to do when a person is deeply hurt. However, slow and steady progress is possible - I know people who have learned to put the load aside. They are fighters and warriors in a godly sense of the word. You raise a very good question Michelle - but the future can only be bright if the self-hatred and worthlessness is countered with the belief that God loves you so much He sent His only Son to offer you an eternal life of joy and happiness in His family.

  • annie.ross

    yes! let it go!
    thank you for this article and reminder, Mr. Berendt.

    Drop the Rock, the Ripple Effect, is a book that teaches us about working towards a wholesale transformation within ourselves, with God's help, accepting and deSiring that we need to change - from the inside out. our own thoughts and behaviors can keep us locked and bound.
    this book shows us the positive ... or negative ... ripple effect we can have on others, and these can be quite dramatic. this book directly reflects a 12 step recovery way of life - which is useful for all - shifting our focus on self - to a focus on service.

    as you said in your brief, important message, Mr. Berendt, most of the harm impacts the one carrying the load, but all those associated are indeed affected.
    it truly is our choice of how we ripple onto others.

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