As we work and develop, we grow strong; as we don’t work, we grow weak. We do not stay the same for long. What we become is not an accident—it is a product of effort or a product of neglect. No matter what we are, we can always choose to be better. Our weaknesses or strengths can be exposed by a crisis. In seeing ourselves exposed, we can develop the determination to become better.
Students are tested at school so they know which areas need improvement and so the teacher knows which areas need more attention. God tests us frequently so we can see ourselves and change and so He knows what we will do (James 1:12-14). We cannot stay hidden from God and simply coast through life. We will be exposed. When crisis comes, you can stand strong and full of hope. Knowing we cannot hide is a good motivator for self-examination and change. Let’s take the trials in our lives as opportunities to grow in our character.