Learning to Fall
Ever notice how little children fall over and over again as they learn about balance and develop muscle control? Anyone who dares something new must risk a fall. Even those who turn to God risk falling from time to time (Proverbs 24:16). A person can only fall once if he does not get up again; the people God describes as righteous may fall seven times (or more!). It pays to learn how to fall.
Little children do not have far to fall—their falls are not great and no damage is done. Adults may hurt themselves more, depending on how far they fall. Children learn in the early stages of their lives and so can we. Once we realize that part of learning to walk is falling, we will be prepared for it—and if we ever fall again, we will have smaller falls with less damage. Learning to fall gracefully and humbly cushions the impact and makes it easier to rise and try again.