Live With It

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Live With It

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The most outstanding athletes and successful people in life have such a strong and pure focus on the area of their expertise that is seems to swallow them up. It is what they think about, plan for, talk about, read about and no doubt dream about. Obsessions are extremes, but it is still true that when we eat, drink and sleep with our goals, they become reality. We have to live the dream in order for it to happen. The human mind is quite amazing in this way: the more we live our dreams, the more our mind seeks paths that lead in that direction.

This principle is true for physical dreams as well as spiritual. The spiritual last for eternity, and that makes them much more important. Psalm 55:17 shows that prayers are in order morning, noon and night—all day. Keeping God in our thoughts is what makes us one with Him. We are to live our religion and our beliefs, which will make them ours. Living God’s way of life makes you a good neighbor, mate and friend. It makes life an adventure full of rich and rewarding experiences. The trip is as exciting as the goal.