Start Climbing
Anyone who has been confronted by a large hill while on a long hike can tell you that waiting or resting will not cause the hill to shrink. A mountain does not get smaller because we wait for the size to decrease. The only way that we get closer to the top of a hill is by taking one step at a time. An amazing transformation takes place as we climb the mountain ahead of us—it appears smaller until finally we are on the top.
Do you have hills that are waiting for you to climb? Start today. Take the first step and the second step. Look ahead to the goal, not to where you have been. We may need to rest from time to time, but waiting for the hill to get smaller is a dream that will not come true. The Bible shows us the beauty and benefits of climbing that narrow and high road in Psalm 16:11. That view is from the top, not from the bottom of the hill.