Theft Is Wrong--Plain and Simple
God said simply, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15). What God says is wrong is wrong. His law doesn’t contain escape clauses, and what He calls wrong we cannot allow ourselves to think of as right or even justifiable under certain circumstances. Theft in any of its forms—whether of a candy bar or $150 million—means depriving someone else of the fruits of their labor.
The world tells us, “If you want it, take it.” God tells us, “If you want it, earn it.” The things worth having often require effort on our part, but this is not a hindrance—instead, it helps us appreciate what we’ve worked for. We work to maintain friendships. We work to make the income necessary to live. We work to maintain our relationship with God.
A world without theft will be a world where locked doors, alarm systems and other precautions are no longer required for protection. Can you imagine a world focused on giving rather than getting?
Won’t it be great when the whole world finally keeps the Eighth Commandment?