Weak and Strong are Accepted

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Weak and Strong are Accepted

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There are cultural differences, I.Q. differences, levels of maturity and knowledge and other factors that are apparent. There are the strong, and there are the weak. God accepts them both and expects the weak to grow in strength and the strong to help them. People who have a sincere desire to obey God are no different—there are strong and weak among God’s people, too. God gives us the Bible to learn how we should live and grow.

His method allows us to examine ourselves in the light of His Word, whether we think we are weak or strong. It allows us to correct ourselves and to be corrected. God has accepted both with the hope that, with His guidance, they will grow to be like Him. God does not condemn the weak because He knows what they lack. He does not condemn the strong because He knows what drives them. All humans are to come to be like Him. Some need more time than others and everyone needs love and respect. Since God tells us that He accepts the weak and the strong—shouldn’t we? 


  • Skip Miller

    Hello Lui Siu Chun,

    I agree with Ken Graham but I'll add a couple of scriptures:
    Ephesians 3: 14 & 15 seems to me to say that we are all (going to be)
    in one family, that is the Family of God.

    and Romans 8: 16 & 17 seem to show that Paul was powerfully convinced
    that we will be glorified! Glory belongs to God!

    Romans 9: 26 could be said to be a metaphor but I don't think so.
    I believe that Paul was saying we will BE real children of God!

    I'm pretty excited about that future!!! How about you?

  • Lui Siu Chun

    Rarely I read articles on God's thought without a verse from the Bible."All humans are to come to be like Him."Can anyone tell me who says that besides the author?Thank you.

  • Ken Graham

    Hi Lui Siu Chun:

    I am not aware of any verses that specifically say, "all humans are to come to be like Him." Mankind was made in His image it is true and there are verses that say this. The Bible is more subtle about saying we are to become like God. Jesus Christ who is the first born among many brethren frequently commented to His disciples that, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." He as a Son was just like His Father. and He is our example to follow. So we ought to strive to become like Him. Everyone who has children recognizes that sons seek to become just like their fathers as they grow up. Perhaps one of the closest verses we have in the bible to saying this is 1 John 3:1-7. Especially, verses 2-3 and verse 7. Also, Galatians 4:1-7. When you read through these it's pretty hard to not see that God's intent is for us to become like Him. Though we cannot be just like him while human, we can seek to develop our character into becoming just like His character.

    Best Regards,

  • Nelson

    God knows your creation! There is no stronger that has not had a moment of weakness! We all have those moments! The difference is that being a Christian, when going through the darkness, He is our Light. In moments of despair, HE is our strength. And as the Father who knows His children, He teaches us that in times of strength and weakness must always reach out to those who are on the ground in pain of soul! Excellent this article because it reminds us living here, strenght is not forever but weakness should not be as well! Cultural differences, differences in IQ, differences in understanding of the Will of our Creator, can be overcome with love and at the light of the Bible! Not always we feel weak, but when this happens, the true Christian knows where to go! To our unique Loyal Friend! The weakness should be combatted with the blessing of giving and constant prayer. When we give, let the selfishness and the center of all the pain go away and we started to help people who are really in need.

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