What Are You Worth?

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What Are You Worth?

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They say everyone has a price. In other words, people believe that if offered enough money we will even sell our "souls." It is doubtful that anyone knows what that saying means—but it is clear that people will often not hesitate to do almost anything to achieve a goal.

The value we place on ourselves will always be reflected back to us one day. We will live to enjoy our good decisions and to rue our bad ones. When we are able to wisely assess our actions and make good choices, the benefits are enormous. The Bible tells about Judas Iscariot who arranged to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 27:3-5). The money was attractive to Judas, but it was himself that he sold for the silver. He put a value on himself for an act of the betrayal of One who trusted him. That act made him hang himself once he realized that thirty pieces of silver was all he was worth.

Be sure to evaluate the price of your goals and count the costs before it's too late. 


  • Nelson

    We Christians must always be in harmony with the will of God . When some material objective becomes obsessive , we should stop and seek in prayer before God if these things are of the will OF HIM!!!

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