Who Are You?
The first is the one we show to others, the second is the reality of who we are and the third is the character we think we are. What we show to others is usually made to look better than what is real because we want to leave a good impression. The character that we really have is seen by those who know us well and the character we think we have is usually a bit generous and is a more inflated version of the real us.
When we strive to have the character and divine nature of God as Peter advised us to do (2 Peter 1:4), we begin to blend the three into one. We strive to exhibit the character of Christ, and in time we become more and more like Him. When that happens, the three characters almost become one. That is the goal set before all mankind—to be one with Christ and the Father (John 17:21). Who are you? Our goal is to be a member of His family—a child of God (Romans 8:13-16).