Update on Fires in Colorado

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Update on Fires in Colorado

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Colorado currently has several major fires burning, the largest northeast of Colorado Springs (Black Forest Fire). Two of our United Church of God member families there have had to evacuate from their homes and cannot return until mandatory evacuation orders are lifted—which may be some time, as the massive fire changes direction depending on the wind direction. Another nearby family has evacuated as a precaution.

Another family about 60 miles further south is near an evacuation area for a different fire and may need to evacuate if the fire direction changes. Our Colorado Springs hall is currently not far from an evacuation advisory area, so we may need to cancel services for this Sabbath—which we may need to do anyway due to heavy smoke in the area. We appreciate your prayers about this situation for everyone affected in this area.

According to Wikipedia: "It is the most destructive fire in Colorado state history, surpassing the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire, which also began near Colorado Springs."


From Scott Ashley, United Church of God pastor -- Colorado Springs, Denver and Frisco, Colorado


  • dust_i_am
    Hoping they go forward with Sabbath services - and even invite the community to join them for a special time of prayer. When times are difficult, aren't such things needed more than ever?
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