Who Is My Real Father?

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Who Is My Real Father?

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Our Father in heaven has blessed our lives many times more than we might realize. In previous blogs, I've written about how God protected me, even in my mother's womb, and how I met my blood father just a few years ago.

I've been pondering the blessing God’s given me of having known many good male role models who reflect what our Father in heaven is like.

In the early years of my life, I had not known that my stepfather was not my real father until my younger sister spilled the beans—"He's my daddy, not your daddy."

Charles Ray Horn married my mother when I was an infant. He raised me as his own first child. He was the one who usually held me whenever we went somewhere. I felt safe in his strong arms. His eyes and voice were always gentle and kind. He worked hard to take care of his family, and I appreciated that.

Unfortunately, my parents divorced early, but I, with my sister, still spent a lot of vacation time with our daddy. Full of compassion and sensitive to the comments that had been made to me, Daddy always made it a point to have a private little talk with me every time we were about to part. This went on every year, even into my adulthood, and even as he was on his deathbed.

He would say, "Now Carolyn, you are my first baby, and I love you, and nothing is ever going to change that." Then he would add stories of good memories that we'd had and how he felt when he first saw me. For many years, I would tremble a little during Daddy's speech, and we would both have tears in our eyes. It had taken many such conversations with my daddy until I had totally believed and accepted that his reassurances were true.

About two years after Daddy died, I met my blood father. That's another miraculous story and a true blessing from God. I have learned a lot about fathers from my "real" father. He is still doing pretty well now. I talk to him on the phone most evenings. He loves God, and he is smart and funny. He has a pure smile. We love each other and are as close as any father and daughter can be.

So who is my real father? Which father was the best example, and which one gave me the most? I'm not talking monetarily.

I've been thinking about the other males who were woven into my life while I was growing up. And I've been thinking that it was God who influenced it to be that way. Maybe they were not always perfect and other people may have seen them through different eyes than me. But to me, these men were examples of just what I needed.

Charles Ray's father, Marvin Horn, embraced me as his own granddaughter, just as his son adopted me as his daughter. Marvin Horn was just about the most upright man I had ever met in my life. My sister and I spent our summers at Grandma and Grandpa Horn's house.

He never raised his voice. He was a tall and handsome man. He worked as a supervisor for the railroad track repair crew. He always wore a suit and hat to work. If he saw a hungry child, he would wave them in to join us in the yard for a family barbecue. If someone had a need, he would be the one to bring them groceries or help them repair a roof. His good works were quiet and ongoing. He was the best role model. Grandpa Horn was the kind of man you read about in Psalms—blessed is the man who fears the Lord.

My mother's baby brother was not much older than me and we often lived in the same house. So my uncle was more of a brother to me. Mike was intelligent and also a gentle man. Mike took me fishing, and we hiked and canoed for miles and miles. He, my sister, and I would look up at the stars at night and reflect on a creation that must have had a Creator (Romans 1:20).

As an adult, I've been blessed with a kind and gentle husband who leads by his good example. God knew I needed someone gentle after some of the hard times life has dealt me. We are both good for each other. God has designed husbands and wives to complement each other. My husband is yet another gift from God.

And I have known so many fine ministers and members in the Church of God—men who love God and reflect His gentle and protective traits. God has surrounded me with men who were gentle, kind protectors and providers. They gave me reassurance. They have been patient teachers, hardworking and full of joy. I appreciate the men of this earth who follow God and make the right choices. Let's all appreciate them!

All these men were great examples at different times and in different ways to me. But who made men to be so kind to me? Who was with me all of those years? Who never left me, even when I didn’t know it? Who has given me strength and hope and faith? Who always set the right example? Who always provided for me? Who is my real Father?

All along, God has been my real Father. “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you” (John 15:16).


  • franniegirl

    I think it beautiful that Mrs. Prater had wonderful earthly fathers, and she is blessed indeed to have a relationship with her heavenly father. I want to express what a nice feeling I got from her story but I don't want to present myself as cynical. I want to thank her for such wonderful sentiments. Fran

  • Carolyn Prater

    Thank you very much! My earthly fathers were not around very much, but our Heavenly Father always is. When I think about what our Father has done, it melts away the negatives in life, and makes me realize how very much there is to be thankful for every day. When times are tough, as they will be, we can look at just a tree, or a drop of rain, or a bird, and thank the Creator! We can remember the hope that He gives to us and the path will not seem as hard.

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