Why I Don't Boycott Starbucks for Supporting Planned Parenthood

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Why I Don't Boycott Starbucks for Supporting Planned Parenthood

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A few weeks ago, my friend Brittany told me she wasn't going to be buying stuff from Whole Foods, Starbucks or Olive Garden. Her reason? They each support Planned Parenthood. Bizarrely enough, I had actually been to both Starbucks and Whole Foods that same day. "Interesting," I said. "Let's talk about that when I see you next."

She doesn't feel comfortable shopping at those places because Planned Parenthood, as most know, provides abortion services. Abortion is totally repulsive and awful. It snuffs out a life that God created and would want to be part of His family.

As my friend and sister in Christ, I totally respect her for deciding to do that.

I'm still buying my usual brevé from Starbucks, though. And I ate at Olive Garden the day after Thanksgiving with my in-laws. Here's why I am comfortable doing that.

1. Nobody is sinless; all fall short (Romans 3:23).

If I boycotted everybody who had a point of view that I disagreed with, or who supported a cause that’s disgusting, I'd have to be a subsistence farmer. I hate abortion, but the reality of life is that no matter where I turn, everyone I run into will have at least one sin that is offensive to God, including when I look in the mirror. I pray for the day that Christ returns to establish His rule on earth to come quickly, so these types of dilemmas will be a thing of the past.

2. This issue reminds me of what Paul dealt with in his day of meat that pagans offered to idols.

The entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 8 is dedicated to that controversy. Back then, people would offer animals to pagan idols, then they'd sell the meat from that sacrifice in the community marketplace. The Corinthian church was a mixed congregation with lots of people from different cultures, at different stages of conversion. To some in that church, it was really offensive to eat that meat because of its connection to a pagan practice. Being so new to Christ, it was tough for them to look past that fact. But others understood there was nothing to it; meat is meat. An idol is nothing. Paul addressed this issue in his letters. He essentially said, if it offends your conscience to eat that meat, don’t. If it doesn’t, do. But don’t make it a bigger deal than it is. It’s better not to offend your brother than to exercise your freedom of conscience on that issue.

Now, is my brevé a cup of coffee sacrificed to the idol of abortion? Not exactly. It's not a perfect analogy. But I feel the principle, which is that this issue does not bother my conscience but it does bother the conscience of my sister Brittany, applies perfectly. She and I have talked and she feels strongly about it, so she doesn't go there. It doesn't bother me, so I still do.

But the important thing is that we both acknowledge each other's position and respect it.

If Brittany were on a road trip with my wife and me and it was time to make a stop for coffee, I'd look for a McCafé instead of Starbucks for her conscience's sake. The point of 1 Corinthians 8 is not that those who didn't eat that meat were weaker Christians. No, it's that we should not exercise our own freedom at the expense of somebody else's conscience.

To paraphrase Paul, the Kingdom of God is not of brevés or pasta, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


  • rbdeli

    Your money, then, is going towards killing children. If we hate the sin, then we must not condone the sin. Starbucks coffee is a luxury, not a necessity. Every cup of coffee we buy helps murder innocent children. We know better and we don't need Starbucks coffee to live and breathe. I think you need to think this through a bit more carefully. I will not buy another cup of Starbucks as long as they are committing these atrocities against the unborn.

  • Mitchell Moss

    To dust_i_am:

    I am not boycotting JC Penney, but that's easy because I don't shop there to begin with. If they had something I wanted, would I buy it? Probably. Is there a line they might cross that would cause me to not want to do business with them? Yes.

    This short blog post doesn't discuss when it is indeed right to boycott a company, only an example of when it's ok to agree to disagree with someone. Spiritual discernment, with a conscience correctly educated by the scriptures, is the answer to that question. Of course, as things get worse and society becomes more ungodly, tough choices will have to be made as to who to do business with. The mark of the beast will come into play closer to that time, as it explicitly states in scripture that in order to buy and sell, the mark will be required.

    I guess the lesson for me is, Educate your conscience in the Bible, then apply the principles prayerfully as best you can. Accept correction when you get off-base.

  • Ivan Veller

    Hello GodsBarbie,

    Re: "it[']s this kind of thinking that makes us all look bad an[d] keep[s] bre[e]ding hate...put child[i]sh things behind"

    God Himself does not have unlimited mercy in such matters. If I were married to someone who decided to go ahead and murder our child, the divorce would be instantaneous.

    "Manasseh killed many innocent people and filled Jerusalem with their blood. The LORD would not forgive these sins" (2 Kings 24:4, ERV 2008).

  • dust_i_am

    Mr. Moss, are you applying this same standard toward JCP (formerly J.C. Penney) - since you write at length in the current United News about its move toward "pursuing the gay market?" And how God appears to be using drought to get the attention of the U.S. about such matters?

    I attend a congregation where at least one woman has decided to boycott JCP for that reason. And I also recall ministers saying, "The only religion you have is the one you live."

  • SeekingtheTruth

    Only the blind can turn a blind eye.

  • GodsBarbie

    Even God gives us the right to choose,weather it be wrong or right to bible princibals.We are to hate the sin not the sinner ! Think abought it if Jesus hated the sinner we would all be in a mess with no Hope,yet he died for u... me an eveyone that we may be reunited with Him because, God so Loved the world he gave his only begoton son for all! Its that,truth an Love that brings us to his feet asking forgiveness.So with out that mercie an grace threw love were would we be? its this kind of thinking that makes us all look bad an keep breading hate,an why no one wants to elected anyone against family planing ,how will we ever get a peisedent who stands on truth when the truth is washed with so many lies?when even God lets us choose we cant or wont even stand up for the strait truth in love to one another ,in fear of afending a brother or sister?So for me i will stand in love an because i love u i say hello an put childesh things behind me an i pray we all just learn to love one anotnther an please stand up for Gods truth whenever possible an agrea to dissagrea when nessasary.. PLease?t Think abought it.<3. so why dont we agree to veifiying the truth by his word,an let God plant his seed as he chooses ? An be the exsample he called us to,for we shall know one another by what?,there fruit-of the -Sprit of God !what i do believe is wrong... is why am i paying for killing babys aganst my will thew taxes that take my freedoms away as a belieaver, this is against eveything that is vauied an pericous to me in my right to love God an everyone he called me to, even the baby killer! every sin is at Gods hand to forgive but i dont have to wash my hands in the blood of others sins! ,im just thankful mine have been washed away in Jesus my passover lamb !!! How can we onestly get others to see the truth, when we have such specks an logs in our own eyes ? the truth can be hard but whats harder is a life with out Jesus !!! So why do we lie to ourselves an pick an choose his word to fit our battels instead of tusting him in his completness ,for he is the truth an the way? How can we ever think we can inprove on perficion when we are not perfick? Sooooo, let go an let God ,trust me he knows what hes doing an head his call as he would call u not as we would sometimes choose to step out before him !! AMEN !! I SO TRULY LOVE U ALL !!!

  • waltersgirl

    Wonderfully put. I sometimes feel like I am the bad one because I buy girl scout cookies from my little cousin and they have planned parenthood come talk to the children. What most don't realize is that the parents have to consent to their child being present at the scout meeting P.P. speaks at and that they present a message telling girls to respect themselves and their bodies-abstinence not abortion is the main theme. While I may not agree with all they do, they do have a part of their program that is important to today's mixed up society. Will I patron a planned parenthood? Highly unlikely since it is not my place to pass judgement on them-I am just another sinner. Like them, I need the Messiah's forgiveness, understanding, and sacrifice so I can be a part of His Kingdom someday. Thanks for showing me I am not alone in my beliefs.

  • KARS

    It is easy to offend our a friend or foe by our actions and insensitivity to what they may have been taught as a child or adult.
    Each culture has it's own teachings. We can offend one another if we don't take this in to account when dealing with each other.

    When we do our best to keep the Ten Commandments and show respect to our fellowman we will make less mistakes in the long run.

    Thank you for sharing your taughts on this delicate subject.

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