WNP Seminar-Louisville, Kentucky

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WNP Seminar-Louisville, Kentucky

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Last Sunday Melvin Rhodes and I held a World News and Prophecy seminar in Louisville Kentucky. 212 people attended the all dy session. We have several seminars scheduled in the coming months. Our next will be in St. Louis, Missouri on January 26

We will have video tapes of the sessions here on our site in a few days. The titles of the presentations are below.

Full Circle
The rise and decline of the English speaking powers parallels their devotion to the Bible as the Word of God.  The rise to greatness began with the Protestant Reformation.  Our national decline has followed the turning away from God's Word.
Presented by Melvin Rhodes
How Will the US Lose its Preeminence?
Prior to World War II, the British were the preeminent nation on earth.  After 1945 America assumed that role.  The Bible shows one more superpower will take center stage.  How will the US lose its preeminence to this new superpower?
Presented by Melvin Rhodes

The New War of Religions

Religious strife continues to dominate our world. God and religion are not dead, despite all the rumors. The front lines of religion crisscross our globe telling us that religion will play a major role in the 21st century. How will that impact your life?
Presented by Darris McNeely

America's Pride of Power

Today America stands as the dominant economic and military power in the world. How long will this continue? Will America go the way of the British Empire?  A critical scripture points to a dramatic change ahead for America and the world.
Presented by Darris McNeely

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