You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free

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You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free

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As a longtime resident of Cleveland, Ohio, I was stunned, like many people of the United States, to learn of a bizarre story that exploded into the news recently. An individual residing in Cleveland was arrested and charged with kidnapping and abusing three women for over a decade. Through manipulation and fear, the women were secretly held captive in this man's house, which was actually very near their own neighborhood homes. Happily the story ended well when the captives were rescued and set free to live the rest of their lives in peace and free of restraint

As tragic and sensational as this account was, something even more stunning has occurred. Our entire world is now being held captive! Indeed, a sinister, evil being in effect kidnapped humankind thousands of years ago from its neighborhood home. We know this captor as Satan the devil (Revelation 20:2) and the original home God created for our first parents, Adam and Eve, was the garden called Eden. From that time on, all humankind has been deceived and manipulated by Satan to disobey their Creator by rejecting His laws and values. All human suffering and every evil in today's world has its roots in the fear, blindness and captivity to "the god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4)

But, there is some very good news…

Bible prophecy reveals a time is coming when Jesus Christ will return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God. Satan will be restrained for 1,000 years, and humankind will be liberated from its captivity to "that serpent of old" (Revelation 12:9). Eventually the devil will be dealt with by God Almighty, never again to interfere in the lives of humanity (Revelation 20:10). Everyone will be given the gift of knowledge about God's laws and how to live productive, fulfilling lives. To learn much more about this, you will find many enriching articles about God's Kingdom and His way of life in the current issue of The Good News.

There is even more good news! You personally don't need to wait for the return of Jesus Christ to escape the clutches of the devil! The Good News provides you with understanding and truth to become a disciple of Jesus Christ today. Its mission is to not only reveal significant events yet to occur in the world, but to show you how to respond to the gospel Jesus preached, which includes deliverance and healing from mental and spiritual abuse (Luke 4:18)

I encourage you to meditate upon and respond to the insightful articles in the latest issue of The Good News. Each article will lead you to a greater understanding of God and His plan for you and all humanity. To be sure, "the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)