
Many games we humans play involve keeping score. Our sport activities such as hockey, baseball, basketball, and football often have an official scorekeeper to track the points.
Our family enjoys many card games such as cribbage, bridge, hearts, or whist—all of which require keeping score. Another dynamic game that we all seem to enjoy is Scrabble. There, too, the score must be carefully kept. We usually choose somebody who is quick with numbers and good at being meticulous. My youngest grandson is a ferocious Scrabble player and, although we don’t let him be the scorekeeper, he really knows how to add up the numbers on each word and is very hard to beat.
Keeping score
There are other ways in which “keeping score” is understood. In criminal activities or even in our interactions with one another, we often remember favors that others do for us—or we for them—and keep “score” as to whether or not they are repaid. We keep “score” of all the hurts and insults that are thrown at us, and we keep “score” of the nice things people say and do. Somehow, we have the need to “settle the score” by repaying some of the favors or by seeking revenge (justice) against those who hurt us.
In the Wild West, people kept “score” by cutting notches on their pistol handles or by gathering scalps. Airplane fighters in WWI and WWII kept score of the “kills” they had in various ways. There are other ways in which an ordinary, unconverted human keeps score. Did you know that God is also a scorekeeper? The concept has always existed.
Jesus stated something very encouraging as recorded in Matthew 10:42: “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” It seems Jesus is keeping score of the good deeds we do here on earth.” Those deeds need to be done from the heart and without the hope of a reward, but God does plan to reward those who serve Him in sincerity and truth.
Reward for good deeds
Matthew 5 and 6 mention a reward quite often. In Matthew 5:11-12, Jesus said that there was a reward in heaven (that is where God resides and keeps score). Matthew 6:1-4 cautions us not to do our good deeds so that others will see, and so God can one day give us a reward. Verses 5 and 6 even tell us there is a reward for praying correctly. That is more than the peace of mind that prayer gives us; it is something reserved to a future time where God will be giving out rewards.
Jesus said that He will come in the glory of His Father and will reward each according to their works. It is clear that God sees what we do on this earth and that He is keeping score so that He can reward each person in a manner suitable to what they have done. Luke 6:35, 38 mention that the reward will be great and it will be dependent upon the same measure we have used.
Paul noted that God is rewarding all who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). It seems God loves to give gifts and blessings here during this life, but also rewards or gifts that will last for eternity. It is hard for us to realize just how carefully and closely we are being observed. Every hair on our head is numbered (Luke 12:7). We wonder at those statements and when we consider His majesty, our minds find it hard to believe He really cares that much. He is a “scorekeeper” who is totally reliable.
God is interested in all humans and has the desire that all should be saved. That is why He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins. He would like humans to have a clean slate to start from. God does this because just as He is meticulous and just in rewarding our good deeds, He must also be meticulous and just in rewarding evil deeds.
“Rewards” for evil deeds
Although we can rejoice in the blessings God wants to impart to us, we need to be just as aware of how carefully He notes the things we say and do that He hates or that are sinful. Jesus wanted His followers to remember the complete justice that God represents. In Matthew 12:35-37, Jesus reminds us that just as a good man brings forth good things, so too an evil man brings forth evil things. Verses 36 and 37 state, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” That is getting down to details.
There are a number of caution signs that the Bible brings to our attention. It seems God keeps score of the evil deeds men do as well as the good deeds. It is for this reason that every person is in need of repentance and the gift of cleansing through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God wants to erase and remove every reason to “reward” us for evil, and He wants to add wherever He can to reward us for good.
Paul caught the fullness of the future God offers. There is no end to eternity, and therefore the rewards or gifts God gives become important. It is such a tragedy when we are careless with the potential God grants us. Paul knew that the deeds of each person are known to God and will be made known—the good as well as the bad (unless the bad are erased by Jesus’ blood). He knew that each person has choices to make in his/her service to God.
Our deeds are tested
Our devotion and respect towards our Almighty Heavenly Father is reflected in all we say and do. Paul knew that each person would be tested and their works would be tested. God wants to know if there is truth and sincerity in what we are doing. He rejects those who say they are followers of Jesus, but have ahidden agenda or motive (Matthew 7:21-23).
Paul tells us, “If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire” (1 Corinthians 3:14-15). We are enjoined to be sure nobody takes our crown (Revelation 3:11). There is great constancy in God. It is precisely because He is the ultimate authority that He must reward evil just as carefully as He rewards good. That is the character trait that makes Him Perfect and Almighty.
How grateful we can be to know the wonderful character that God possesses. He is not a God of uncontrolled emotions. He is not vengeful, hard to please, or unaware of all the challenges we face. “He is easy to please, but hard to satisfy” (C. S. Lewis).
He knows that many humans have been terribly affected during their childhood and are carrying heavy loads of inner scars. For some, there is no inner strength or ability to make thoughtful decisions. Nothing escapes the watchful eye of God. He works with great mercy, and it is not possible to fool God with phony credentials. But He is patient, kind, loving, and understanding towards every person on earth. He demands complete surrender to Him, but that surrender is the position of ultimate joy, peace, and happiness for all who find it.
His scorekeeping pencil is sharpened and poised. It is we who make Him write on the positive or the negative side of our ledger. He rejoices in writing the score that results in His giving good gifts (John 4:10; 2 Corinthians 9:8-15). Luke 6:23, 35 are verses in which Jesus says “your reward will be great.” These are instances when we suffer for our beliefs. Rejoice and leap for joy when you are suffering for Christ.
For more information on how to live a life pleasing to God, request a free copy of the Bible Study Course.